Martha’s Vineyard District Court Report


April 21, 2010

William W. Jacob, Edgartown; DOB 9/13/63, marked lanes violation, negligent operation of motor vehicle, OUI- or .08%, 2nd offense, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.

Joseph P. Lavalle, Jr., Vineyard Haven; DOB 9/23/63, municipal by-law or ordinance violation: continued to pretrial conference.

Edwin W. Seabury, Edgartown; DOB 7/11/46, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, uninsured motor vehicle, unregistered motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.

April 22, 2010

Aaron R. Fontaine, Oak Bluffs; DOB 5/6/76, uninsured motor vehicle, operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: continued to pretrial conference.

Donald Gentry, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/6/63, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.

John E. Holmes, Vineyard Haven; DOB 7/12/76, assault and battery: continued without finding for one year, restitution paid, must pay $50 PSF; evading taxi fare: guilty, must pay $20 fine.

Gary R. Lewis, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/18/84, marked lanes violation: not responsible; operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued without finding for one year concurrent and with another charge.

Judith O’Donoghue, Oak Bluffs; DOB 10/26/57, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: pretrial probation for six months; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: pretrial probation for six months; uninsured motor vehicle: pretrial probation for six months.

Katherine Strelecki, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/14/85, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.

April 23, 2010

Jeffrey C. Cook, Edgartown; DOB 4/9/63, uninsured motor vehicle, operating motor vehicle with suspended registration, unregistered motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.

Gareth J. Ennis, Edgartown; DOB 11/1/79, possession of Class B drug (cocaine): Nolle Prosequi (state declined to prosecute)

Jesse L. Iskra, Edgartown; DOB 9/23/77, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $50 court cost.

David E. Littlejohn, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/14/67, uninsured motor vehicle, operating motor vehicle with suspended registration, operating of motor vehicle with unlicensed/suspended permit: continued to pretrial conference.

Anthony L. Manista, Jr., Edgartown; DOB 10/14/78, use of motor vehicle without authority: continued to pretrial conference.

Key to Abbreviations

HIF=head injury assessment fee

OUI-liquor or .08%=operating motor vehicle w/percentage, by weight, of alcohol in blood of .08 or greater or while under the influence of intoxicating liquor

PSF=monthly probation supervision fee

VDD=victims of drunk driving trust fund fee

VW=victim witness assessment fee