



Daniel Joshua d. Oliveira

Dorvalina and Claudinei Oliveira of Vineyard Haven announce the birth of their son, Daniel Josh delaraujo Oliveira, on May 2 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Daniel weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces.

Gabriel O. Dias

Isabel and Claudio Dias of Vineyard Haven announce the birth of their son, Gabriel Oliveira Dias, on April 29 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Gabriel weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces.

Ariel M. Meyer

Patricia and Marcelo Meyer of Edgartown announce the birth of their daughter, Ariel Maeda Meyer, on April 30 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Ariel weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces.

Clara J. Rabeni

Rebecca and Anthony Rabeni of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of their daughter, Clara June Rabeni, on April 29 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Clara weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and joins big brother Nicholas.

Gabriel D. Slossberg

Jennie Slossberg of West Tisbury announces the birth of her son, Gabriel David Slossberg, on March 11. Gabriel was 5 pounds, 3 ounces.


Kevin Carr announces that his daughter Allison Carr was inducted to Alpha Pi Omega on May 2 at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, N.J., based on her GPA and academic performance.

Honor Roll

Edgartown School

3rd Quarter

8th Grade

High honors

Rae Filley


Megan Bettencourt

Nicco Cardoza

Alice Keenan

Charlotte McCarron

Sarah Parece

Sarah Strem

Sophie Ulyatt

Kenon Veno

Zach Wannamaker

7th Grade

High Honors

Aubrey Ashmun

Alec Cobban

Quinn Cobban

Erik Faber

Gabrielle Hoxsic

Megan Hurley

Hanna Kim

Charlie Morano


Sabrina Carlos

Matt Davies

Andrew Fournier

Austin Fournier

Erin Hegarty

DJ Nelson

Jake Pertile

Schuyler Small

Alex Vukota

6th Grade

High Honors

Elliot Ferland

Olivia Green-Lingren

Samantha Hargy

Lee Hayman

Jared Livingston

Amadine Muniz

Sara Poggi


Nils Aldeborgh

Austin Chandler

Andy DiMattia

Connor Donnelly

Katherine Dourian

Alley Ellis

Curtis Farrell

Jacquelyn Hegarty

Michelle Herrick

Marlla Lemos

Greg McCarron

Shannon Morris

Joseph Pinto

Hailey Rogers

Brandon Steigleman

Jaclynn Trapp

JJ Watson