The temperature has dropped and, with wind and rain, it feels like long pants and hot tea are called for. Maybe even a sweater. A rain coat, for sure.
I feel the familiar end of summer, as the Fair is over and my summer friends pack up and depart, one after another, in a flurry of last walks, last dinners, last hugs. Green will soon give way to faded grasses, goldenrod, wood asters, and bright red rose hips.
Mary-Ruth Flores, Linda Hearn, and I went to see the quilt show at Featherstone. If you have a chance, don’t miss it. The patterns and colors still dance in my mind. Styles range from traditional multi-colored blocks to intricate appliques. Using photo images (changed and enhanced by a computer) transferred to the fabric, surprised and intrigued me. It was a special treat to see with experienced quilters, who pointed out every perfect small stitch and discussed the intricacies of each pattern. Especially fun was trying to identify people you know when looking at blocks of a medieval illumination-inspired quilt.
Featherstone’s upcoming exhibition, opening this Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6, is Art of the Ceramic Bowl. It sounds like fun, too. For $25, you can choose your bowl, to be filled with soup. Rickard’s bread, dessert, and a beverage fill out the menu, to be carried outside to a beautiful spot for an al fresco dinner.
Closer to town, the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club held their annual at the Old Mill last week. Cathy Minkiewicz was elected President and Linda Hearn is vice president from West Tisbury. Congratulations to two West Tisbury members.
Comic Scott Blakeman will perform Saturday night, August 28, 8 pm, at the Grange. Scott Blakeman: A Liberal Dose of Political Humor is the name of his show. Tickets are $20, available online at, or at the door (cash only).
The library continues to be a busy place. You can still catch the last two days of The Long Good-bye to Summer Poetry Series that runs through this Friday, August 27. Readings begin at 5:30 pm. Come early on Friday afternoon, at 4 pm, to enjoy a jazz concert by the JC Trio.
The Friends of the West Tisbury Library will hold their annual meeting Tuesday, August 31, 4 pm, at the library. President Susan Wasserman will report on the year’s activities, including the Friends’ most successful book sale ever. All are welcome to attend.
Sandy Turner stopped by the gallery over the past weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Jennifer and Andy Allcroft, from Glendale, Calif. Jennifer and Andy had visited with Sandy and Jim earlier in the summer as well, but had such a good time that they decided on a return trip. This time, they were “thrilled to see the president drive by.”
Bob Wasserman wasn’t speaking to me at the airport weekly breakfast this morning (he really was) because I didn’t write in the column about his month of August houseguest, Jake Burton-Brown. I could be not speaking to Bob (I really am) as he hadn’t read my column to know about my recurring computer problems. So, to catch up, here goes.
Jake Burton-Brown, from Hertfordshire, England, arrived to spend the month of August with Bob and Susan Wasserman. He has been seeing the Island, helping paint the house, and engaging the Wasserman’s grandsons, Henry and Hugh Bassett, in daily fun and games. Everyone spent a week together at Susan’s family’s cabin on an island in Lake Michigan. Jake has traveled to Chicago and Washington with Bob. They also attended a Red Sox game in Boston. Sounds like a memorable and busy month.
Last week’s screening of Robert and Marjory Potts’ movie, “You May Call Her Madam Secretary,” was to a standing-room-only crowd at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center. I am hoping the Potts will show the film at our library this winter for all who may have missed it, or want to see it again. It was about Frances Perkins, FDR’s Secretary of Labor, a truly amazing person. Listening to clips of President Roosevelt, I kept thinking his words could have been spoken today by President Obama. I wish some of them were. The parallels between 1930s and 2010 were frightening. I often think about someone’s famous quote, that those who don’t know history are bound to repeat it. Well, wait till you see this movie.
A highlight of the past week has been the line-up of shining Harleys across the street in front of the fire station. For a friend, who shall remain nameless, it was the line-up of Harley riders, aka State Policemen.
Mike saw Ray Phillips this afternoon. Ray mentioned getting ready to take Thomas Lloyd off to college. Earlier in the week, I saw Tessa Wall at Cronig’s. Home for the summer, she will return to UMass soon. This back-to-school ritual will be played out by families across town, whether beginning their school year here on the Island or away. It’s part of the rhythm of autumn.