West Tisbury


Giulia Fleishman and Caitlin Jones introduced me to Green Zebra tomatoes. To begin with, they are beautiful, striped green and chartreuse, my favorite color. They taste beautiful, too, flavorful but not acid or sweet. There is nothing prettier than a white platter with still-warm-from-the-sun tomatoes, green or yellow or red, topped with basil. A little fresh mozzarella or goat cheese. A loaf of good French bread. Some strong green olive oil. I cannot have enough of that perfect summer meal.

The tomatoes in my garden have been good this year, enough for a bowlfull every night. Not much variety, though. Except for the patio tomato Linda Hearn gave me, everything turned out to be Sungold. They are delicious, but I had planned on Romas to cook down for sauce or to sun dry. There were supposed to be black cherry tomatoes, too, and some big Pruden’s Purples. Ah, well, next year.

It’s funny to already be thinking about next year’s garden, but that is the way of gardeners I know. Some of my friends have already pulled things up or cut back hard their perennial beds. I suppose the asters will take over soon to provide some color. An occasional late daylily has shown up unexpectedly, the pale yellow Happy Returns, and catmint will rebloom. But mostly it’s thoughts of next year, when I’ll really keep up with, divide early or late enough, plant something new that will be striking in August. No bugs, no drought, no drenching downpours, no plants still in six-packs on the porch, no rabbits or deer or dogs digging holes into soft, cool dirt. Next year.

Along those lines, all the garden centers in town have signs announcing sales. It’s a good time to put in some late annuals or perennials that will carry color through another couple of months. It’s an especially good time to buy an extravagant new shrub or tree you have admired all summer.

Sarah Isenberg will celebrate her 93rd birthday on September 6. Her daughter, Nancy, is here from Italy for a couple of weeks, enjoying time with her mom and her sister, Sally Cohn, who lives in Edgartown.

My mother-in-law, Bobby Hull, will celebrate her birthday on September 7. It will be a quiet day, maybe a picnic on the beach, as suits her.

Jennifer Aaronson and her children, Gio and Francesca, were at the airport for Sunday breakfast at the Wasserman/Bassett table. Bob Wasserman, Brian Bassett and Sarah Wasserman and their sons, Henry and Hugh, were all there. Jennifer and Sarah have been long-time friends. It was nice to see them all.

Bob Wasserman told me about the last Police Chief Selection Committee meeting. They have received 18 applications, broken down as follows: Four from Massachusetts, two from other New England states, six from mid-Atlantic states, and six from other states. It will be exciting to find out who will be called for interviews and for all of us to see the final candidates.

My condolences to Bill Elbow and family and friends of Ann Allen, who died on August 27. Ann was a noted Martha’s Vineyard historian and croquet enthusiast. She will be missed.

Condolences, too, to Jim Kaplan and Brooks Robards. Jim’s father, Judge Benjamin Kaplan, died on August 18. Jim was a most devoted son during his father’s long illness. Obituaries in The M.V. Times, Vineyard Gazette, Boston Globe, and New York Times detailed Judge Kaplan’s many achievements. He was a man of world renown.

Happier news is the announcement of two new babies in town. Amelia Smith and Michael Craughwell have a son, Christopher Woolcott, born August 16. He joins his sister, Nova, grandparents Woolcott and Leah Smith, and aunt and uncle Emily and Keston Smith, in the family’s compound on Tiah’s Cove Road. Jennifer and Burke Neville are the parents of a daughter with a beautiful name, Harper Claire, born on August 19. Welcome to you both.

This afternoon, September 2, at 5 pm, Cynthia Riggs will read from and sign copies of her newest mystery, “Touch Me Not,” at the West Tisbury Library. This is Cynthia’s ninth book. Her detective, Victoria Trumbull, will surely triumph, and the story of how she does it will surely entertain.

Arnold Rabin will display a selection of his pastels at the library this month. Come to meet him and see his work at a reception Friday afternoon, September 3, at 4 pm.

Linda Alley stopped by this afternoon. She mentioned that there will be winter Farmer’s Markets again this year at the Ag Hall, beginning at the end of October. Last year’s winter markets were wonderful, with vendors selling a remarkable variety of late cabbages, chard, squashes, pumpkins, breads, and all manner of baked goods, Wendy Oliver’s orchids, and more things I have forgotten. But I haven’t forgotten how good it all was and what a treat to have it. I’m so glad they are planning eight markets this year. I wish they could go all the way through the winter.