Well, now we have prepared for the next storm.
I love a good storm. I love the excitement of the preparation. I love listening to constant updates on the Weather Channel. I love watching the sky darken and the wind gradually intensify, the first rain drops on the windows. I love settling onto the sofa by our living room window with candles and a good book, dogs by my feet.
Greg Pachico had a crew lined up to stand by at the Public Safety Building (Station 2) overnight. Mike brought 721 over from Station 1 by 6 pm to join the guys for a long night. He was home by midnight, as Hurricane Earl fizzled to less than our average nor’easter. As Mike walked into our house, he commented there wasn’t even a twig down in our driveway. It was the same when we awoke the next morning.
It’s not that I want people killed or injured, or to see West Tisbury flattened. Storms were a special time when I was growing up. I remember my mother getting the house ready in much the same way I do now. My dad would be home with us during the day as we all sat together playing games, reading, eating tuna fish sandwiches. Nothing bad ever happened, so my memories are of happy, cozy times. Although it’s a little different now that I am the grown-up, and my husband is busy sharpening his chain saw, that feeling of anticipation persists. I’m awaiting Hurricane Hermine.
The library cancelled Arnold Rabin’s reception, scheduled for Friday afternoon. It has been rescheduled for September 14 at 4 pm. Please join him and Sydell, and see his pastels.
I was amazed to hear that on last week’s rainy Monday, our West Tisbury Library counted 1,498 patrons. Over 60 children and parents attended Nelia Decker’s Mother Goose on the Loose program.
Wednesday afternoon, Sept.15, at 5:30, Annie Cohen-Solal will speak at the Chilmark Library about her biography of famous New York art dealer, Leo Castelli.
“There is no excuse,” to miss Phil daRosa’s concert at Union Chapel. It begins at 7 pm on September 17, not too late for even the earliest-to-bed among us, as Phil’s father, Dennis, pointed out. Erich Leuning and Meghan LaRoque will open the program. Tickets are available at daRosa’s, the record stores, and at the door.
Ann Leggett, formerly of West Tisbury, sent me an announcement that she is included in the Annual Exhibition 2010 of the Japanese Artists Association of New York, Inc. Ann has been traveling extensively in Japan, studying the culture and incorporating images into her oil paintings. Over the years I have known Ann, her work has reflected her interests in other cultures. She lived in Mexico for a time, drove trucks cross-country for Trip Barnes, and traveled through Italy and Libya. Landscapes, figurative subjects often depicting local celebrations and landmarks, objects and fabrics for her still lives, all have shown up in Ann’s paintings. The show runs from September 13 to 25 at the Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, 43A West 13th Street, New York City. If you are in New York over the next three weeks, check it out. Barring that, for all of us who miss seeing Ann’s paintings, she has a website: www.annleggett.com. Best, she plans to visit the Island sometime soon.
The Women’s Club of Martha’s Vineyard, a civic, cultural, social, and philanthropic organization, would welcome new members. If interested, call Janice Belisle at 508-627-4861. The group will begin their 112th season of meetings on September 20.
For the past two years, my friend Leslie Baker has been preparing for a one-woman exhibition at Boston’s Copley Society. The length of time was to allow her to explore and realize new dimensions in her work. Her show opens this Saturday, Sept. 11. It is a collection of great beauty and great depth. Her landscapes have grown in size; many are quite large, 60 inches or more. They have also grown in complexity, color, sureness, and completeness of vision. Don’t miss it, if you can get to Boston. The gallery is at 158 Newbury Street. It is open Tuesday-Saturday, 11-6; Sunday, 12-5. Leslie’s show runs through October 8. On Saturday, Sept. 25, she will give a gallery talk, open to the public, at 4 pm.
As you can tell, I am very proud of my friend and her achievement as an artist. If you can’t get to Boston, Leslie exhibits at the Shaw Cramer Gallery in Vineyard Haven.
Mike and I took our dogs out for a walk after the storm. The field stretching both sides of the path to the Great Pond was filled with goldenrod and golden light, a clear blue sky overhead. The heat and humidity of this summer has given way to crystal-clear days and nights, cool and perfect. We live in the most beautiful place on earth.