Martha’s Vineyard Real Estate Transactions : September 13–17, 2010



Sept. 13, Kenneth Jon Hall a/k/a “Tiny” Hall and Daun Elaena Staggers a/k/a Daun Alayna Staggers sold their interest in a lot on Edgartown Great Pond Beach to the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission for $9,044.

Sept. 15, Richard Stephen Norton sold his interest in a lot on Edgartown Great Pond Beach to the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission for $4,522.

Oak Bluffs

Sept. 17, Tashmoo Orchards Inc. sold 50 Harthaven Rd. to John R. Thompson 3rd, trustee of the John R. Thompson 3rd Revocable Trust and Monica Moore Thompson, trustee of the Monica Moore Thompson Revocable Trust, for $940,000.


Sept. 13, MERS, solely as nominee for Lender (Countrywide Bank, FSB) and Lender’s successors and assigns, current holder of a mortgage from Edmilson Rosado and Keila Amaral Rosado to MERS sold by foreclosure deed 85 Edgartown Rd. to BAC Home Loans Servicing LP for $310,500.

Sept. 13, Stephen L. Knipmeyer and Sharon A. Knipmeyer, individually and as trustees for the Knipmeyer Family Nominee Trust sold 46 Little Way to Thomas G. Speers 3rd. and Elizabeth C. Speers for $885,000.

Sept. 16, JP Morgan Chase Bank NA sold 62 Lagoon Ave. to Charles T. Felder for $326,100.

Sept. 16, OneWest Bank FSB, current holder by assignment of a mortgage from Devaney Gomes Lacerda to MERS sold 31 Lagoon Pond Rd. to the Federal National Mortgage Association by foreclosure deed for $318,974.26.

West Tisbury

Sept. 15, Brenda McMorrow sold 269 Great Plains Rd. to Rocco A. and Holly H. Bellebuono for $460,000.