

I heard that Cranberry Day was wonderful and that this season there are a ton of cranberries. It threatened rain but then cleared up, and was actually hot in the bogs. For some kids, like Noah Manning, it was their first harvest, others like Riley and Schuyler Cameron were old pros. Billie Diamond said that she had a lot of fun picking cranberries and when I asked her what she was going to do with all those berries she said, “Make cranberry sauce.” Which is pretty much the standard answer around town; although Faith, Billie’s mom, told me that she also gives some cranberries away to friends and to elders, who are no longer able to pick.

Speaking of cranberries, the next children’s event at the library will be a food preparation hour of — cranberry relish. It is on Tuesday, Nov. 2, from 4 to 5 pm and everyone is welcome.

Please note that not everything in Aquinnah has shut down for the season. Faith’s Seafood Shack will stay open until early November; On the Cliffs is open on weekends and most everything is 50-percent off. Berta and Carla keep their store open weekends until the beginning or mid-November so you could start your Christmas shopping now and get some good deals up at the cliffs. Pizza night is going strong at the Orange Peel and now you can actually get a seat and catch up with your friends and neighbors. This Friday at the Orange Peel there will be a benefit for MVRHS French students planning a trip to France in April. French Pizza Night — ooh la la. It starts at 5 pm, there will be French toppings available (escargot?) and diners will be serenaded by French music. Suggested donation is $15 per person or $50 per family.

Two people who have been doing service for the town of Aquinnah will be moving on soon. Missy Smalley, who has been filling in for Michelle Laurie at the Aquinnah Library, will be having her last day on Saturday. It has been great to see Missy there, and she has such a calm presence. I know she will be missed. You can, though, head over to the tribal office and see her there at her new job. When I was last in the library, Cathy was still interviewing people to fill the position. Michelle is still undergoing treatment for cancer, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Jeff Burgoyne will be leaving his post as the town coordinator at Town Hall. Jeff has served in this position for five years; Adam Wilson will be the new town coordinator. I would like to thank Jeff for always helping me find whatever I need at Town Hall and for always taking the time to answer any questions I had. He also brought to his office a higher level of organization that was sorely lacking before his arrival. Thank you to both Missy and Jeff, and best of luck in all your future endeavors.

This wind that’s been whipping around lately has been heaven for all of our windsurfers but not so good for some of our fishing boat captains who lost some lucrative derby business due to high winds. Hopefully, scalloping season will help make up for some of the lost income.

Remember that deer hunting season has begun, so don’t go walking in the woods dressed as a deer or even as a human: it’s dangerous out there right now.

There have been so many harvest festivals lately, celebrations of pumpkins, cranberries, local food and popcorn that I am really looking forward to this weekend when there is nothing of the sort planned. Not that they have not all been great, but I need a break from all the treats associated with said festivals. But what I am looking forward to is Chilmark Chocolates re-opening on Friday and no, chocolate is not a treat; it is its own food group, in fact it is the most important food group right next to salty crunch.

Jenna Peterciel will be celebrating her birthday on Friday. Happy birthday, my dear, I know you will have a blast.

Halloween is just a week away; the town Halloween Party will be on Sunday Oct. 31, from 4 to 6 pm at the old, haunted Town Hall. Come as your scariest self. Or no, maybe that would be too much, perhaps just come as a witch or a zombie or something.