To the Editor:
Your editorial last week urges Edgartown to examine all the options in planning its future library services. You say it’s important to “reopen the question with everything possible on the table.”
You mention a lot of possiblities, but as usual you apply the Patti Page vision of Old Cape Cod to Martha’s Vineyard — “…sand dunes and salty air, quaint little villages here and there” — each, of course, with it’s own library, librarians, collections, trustees, and policies.
Everything possible on the table? How about a county library system. In the rapidly changing world of libraries you so clearly describe, isn’t an Island-wide approach something that should be on the table too? We could still have salty air, sand dunes, and quaint little villages. And we might get better library services at a lower cost.
Peter Palches
Oak Bluffs