Island health agents will sponsor an Island-wide, seasonal flu immunization clinic from 8 am to noon tomorrow, Thursday, November 11. This will be the only town-sponsored seasonal flu clinic scheduled this year, according to a press release.
The seasonal flu vaccine will be distributed at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Participants arriving by vehicle will first need to register at one of two vehicle staging areas located at Dennis Alley (formerly Waban) Park in Oak Bluffs and the Ag Hall in West Tisbury.
Walkers, bicycle riders and those arriving by VTA should go directly to the high school.
This clinic will only provide vaccine for adults and high school students. Children who have not yet reached the ninth grade will not be vaccinated.
Registration forms are available at various places about the Island, including town halls, libraries, pharmacies, and councils on aging. This link takes you to the Dukes County website with information about the clinic.
The shots are free. Medicare Part B will pay for the shot, and participants will need their Medicare cards.