

It has been nice to see the sun for a couple of days after all that rain and wind, but at the risk of making the most controversial statement ever to grace this column: I really wouldn’t mind seeing some snow. You all can hope I get my fix off-island while traveling for the holidays, but provided that doesn’t happen, be aware that my annual snow dance has commenced.

Saturday, I attended the 2nd Annual Wingfest at Sharky’s, which benefited the MV Boys and Girls Club. Ironically, the Edgartown Fire Department remains reigning champs in the wing competition, as they set tastebuds aflame with their hot sauce, served from a booth designed to resemble a fire truck. The event raised over $7,500 for the Boys and Girls Club, and a good time was had by all — except maybe the chickens.

The Martha’s Vineyard Arena will host a Las Vegas night Friday, Nov. 19, beginning 7 pm at the Edgartown Yacht Club. So put on your poker face and go lose some money for the kids.

I hate to tell you it is time to think about Christmas shopping — I can almost hear the collective groan — but alas, that time is upon us. Luckily, we have the folks at Featherstone to lessen the burden through their 8th Annual Holiday Gift Show, November 20 through December 19, 12 noon to 4 pm daily. There you can find gifts ranging from $5 to $250, while benefiting Featherstone and local artists. Win, win! Featherstone’s Knitting for Others group will have items for sale with proceeds going to the Food Pantry. Be sure and check out the wares of our Edgartown artists: Knitted scarves and floral evening bags by Donna Blackburn; ceramics, beaded earrings, and hair barrettes by Helyane Cohen; wood staffs, hooks, and talking sticks by Deirdre DeCarion; painted rocks by Cammie Naylor; and jewelry by Mary Thomson. For more information about the event, contact Patsy McCornack, 508-696-0603.

The Federated Church of Edgartown will hold its Annual Festival of Wreaths on Thursday, Dec. 2, from 6 to 9 pm, in the Parish House on South Summer Street. Seventy-five originally designed, hand-decorated natural wreaths, for home and business, will be on display in the Meetinghouse for a silent auction. Admission is $10, which includes hors d’oeuvres and two glasses of wine. Proceeds benefit the maintenance of the 1820 Sara Mayhew Parsonage. For more information, call the church office at 508-627-4421.

The Martha’s Vineyard Fish Farm for Haiti Project is seeking volunteers for the 14th annual PeaceCraft holiday benefit sale, which opens the day after Thanksgiving, November 26, and runs through December 24 at Pyewacket’s on Beach Road in Vineyard Haven. The sale of these crafts from self-help projects will benefit the poor through medical, educational, and food programs as well as offer a means of livelihood in the poorest areas of the world. For more information, visit www.fishfarmhaiti.org or contact Margaret Pénicaud at 508-693-0368.

The Felix Neck Sustainable Book Club is currently reading Now or Never: “Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change and Create a Sustainable Future” by Tim Flannery. The club will meet Saturday, Nov. 20, at 10:30 am at the Trustees Regional Office at 860 State Road in Vineyard Haven. For more information, call 508-627-4850.

Handfuls of confetti to Jen Rankow, who celebrates her birthday today, November 18; to Susie Murray, November 19; and to Sheylah Callen on the 23rd. Happy days all around.

Good luck, everyone, with your Thanksgiving Day preparations. Stop and Shop is sure to be a zoo for the next week, so make those shopping lists, get it done, and next week we’ll talk turkey.