Deer Week opened this morning. The ground crunched underfoot as I walked out of our house a little after 6 with Murphy secured on a tight leash. Talley stayed close by on her own, but Murphy is easily distracted and, despite his new super-duper electric collar, I know the sight of people and deer rushing through our woods would prove irresistible.
It was great to see Charlie and Teena Parton last weekend. Also, the familiar license plate “RENT MV” driving down Edgartown Road, and Debbie and Alan Coutinho having breakfast at the airport Sunday morning. The best part of a holiday weekend is having so many friends around.
Most of Mike’s family was here. John and Dolly Beecher came from Thomaston, Conn. Dan, Xiaoshi, and Sunday Hull were here from Somerville. Stephanie Haviland came from Brooklyn with her kids, Alex and Claire. Our nephew, Josh, came from Raleigh. Hannah Beecher hosted the family dinner at the Slocum House, long tables beautifully set, a scene replicated in homes throughout town.
Special thanks to my friend Kathy Logue, whose orange marmalade is the special ingredient in my cranberry sauce. I had to make a double batch this year, and hadn’t saved enough marmalade. Kathy had one jar left when I called in a panic at 9 o’clock Thanksgiving morning.
The Artisan’s Gift Gallery, ten artists who will be selling their work this holiday season, opened at 58 Main Street, Vineyard Haven. Participating artists are: Dan Waters, Beldan Ratcliffe, Ingrid Goff-Maidoff, Kathleen Tackabury, Elizabeth Edge, Diana Stewart, Lisa Strachan, Washington Ledesma, Whitney Moody, and James Streicher Evans. The gallery is open every day through December 24, from 10 am to 6 pm.
Dee Lobb was helping her mom, Kathy, at the Ag Society table at the Artisan’s Show. Dee was here from Vermont for Thanksgiving with Kathy and Norm. Her sister, Amanda, will be home for Christmas.
I got a chance to chat with Andrea Hartman while admiring her amazing bead jewelry. Andrea and George had gone off-Island to spend Thanksgiving with Andrea’s daughters, Nina and Ellen.
Howard and Diane Wall were surprised by their daughters, Hilary and Tessa. Both girls had planned to remain in Amherst to study and work on papers. But home they came, to the delight of their parents and grandparents, Ben and Fudge Paul. They even got to have dinner with the Partons.
The West Tisbury Church will hold their Christmas Faire this Saturday, Dec. 4, from 9:30 to 2:30. Ornaments, baked goods, gifts, wreaths, and decorations will be for sale in the Church. Lunch will be served from 11 am to 2 pm.
After the Church Faire, you can hurry off to the MVRHS Performing Arts Center to see the 13th Annual Nutcracker Gala — 75 dancers from Atlantic Coast Ballet and the Martha’s Vineyard School of Ballet. Clara Dos Santos Cabral of West Tisbury is one of the ballerinas. Performances are at 2 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Alley’s for $15 or $25, or family tickets for $50.
The Saturday Recreation Program begins this Saturday morning at the West Tisbury School. Art, theater, and sports are offered from 9 am to 12 noon for children in grades 1 through 5. Call Peggy Stone at 508-696-0147 for more information.
There will be a Winter Farmers’ Market Saturday, Dec. 4, 10 am to 2 pm, at the Ag Hall.
Come to the West Tisbury Library Sunday afternoon for a Poetry Reading at 4 pm. Fan Ogilvie and Patrick Phillips are the featured poets.
Monday, Dec. 6, there will be a public forum at the library at 5:30. Oudens/Ello Architects will be on hand to discuss progress on the proposed library addition.
The Lyme Support Group will meet Wednesday, Dec. 8, 6:30 pm, at the Howes House.
Save the date for our Town Holiday Party at the Ag Hall next Thursday, Dec. 9, from 5 to 8 pm. “Same deal as usual,” said Exec. Sec. Jen Rand, meaning, bring your favorite dish to share.
Bill and Betty Haynes hosted their family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Bruce and Jennifer, with Nathaniel, Jessica, and Lily, Janice Haynes, and Jeremiah Brown were all in attendance. The newest member of the family, Janice and Jeremiah’s rescue puppy, was the guest of honor, as cute puppies usually are, enchanting everyone but the Haynes’ cat, who remained out of sight throughout the evening. Devoted Patriots fans, Jeremiah and Janice have named their puppy Bruschi.
All last week, as the temperature dipped here at home, I was thinking of my friend Linda Hearn, vacationing in (hopefully) sunny St. John. Linda and Glenn, married on November 26, celebrated their 50th anniversary by taking the family to a villa in the Virgin Islands. Fourteen Hearns, Collinses, and Carusos had a great time, according to Linda’s email. The weather was great, and everyone enjoyed snorkeling except the happy couple and their four-year old granddaughter. I can’t wait to see Linda later today to hear all the details and see her photographs.
Chanukah begins December 1. For eight nights, candles will twinkle in menorahs large and small. I hope it will be a magical time.