February starts next week…. Not that you don’t have a calendar in your home, but I’m just pointing it out. I’m not sure if I’m glad about that or not. On the one hand, every little bit closer to spring we get the happier I am, but on the other, February and March tend to be the worst months weather-wise. Plus, there is the mass exodus to warmer climes that happens over February break and if you are not part of that, if for whatever reason you are staying here, you could get a little, you know, resentful of those who are going away. Not me personally, of course, but others might.
You don’t have to travel to the Yoga Barn or down-Island for a yoga class anymore. Starting this week Erin Haggerty will be teaching Ashtanga yoga classes at Elaine Vanderhoop’s house on Old South Rd. in Aquinnah, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 to 9 am. Call 617-835-3756 for all the details.
The Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living will hold its second in a series of winter cultural luncheons on Saturday, Jan. 29, from 12 to 2 pm, at The Grill on Main in Edgartown. The cultural influence of African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard will be highlighted in a three-part program presented by author Tom Dresser, who will speak about his book African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard, and Elaine Weintraub and Carrie Tankard, co-founders of the African American Heritage Trail on Martha’s Vineyard. Tickets are $25 and can be obtained from any board member (June Manning in Aquinnah) or by calling Leslie Clapp, MV Center for Living Director, at 508-939-9440.
Also this weekend I will be performing with Shakespeare for the Masses at the Vineyard Playhouse in Vineyard Haven. We will be performing Timon of Athens on Friday and Saturday at 7 pm and it’s free. Not familiar with the play? No worries. Neither were we until we decided to do it and we’ll break it all down for you.
At the library, the needlecraft group will meet this Tuesday, Feb. 1, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Knitters, crochet-ers, needlepoint-ers, any person who wants company while stitching, please stop by. If you’re a beginner, maybe an expert will be there to help you. Hot beverages and snacks will be available
Get ready for Corduroy Bear, the beloved storybook character who will visit our library on Thursday, Feb. 17 from 4 to 5 pm. Come to hear the story, dance and sing.
Next Saturday, Feb. 5, at the Chilmark Community Center will be the third and final Family. Film. Feast. of the season. Dinner will be at 5 followed by a movie for the whole family.
Two weeks ago Nonie Madison and her family went to Wampanoak Language Camp. They and all the other attendees (many from Aquinnah) could only speak Wampanoak for the entire weekend. She said the hardest thing was being quiet when you didn’t know or couldn’t remember the right word, instead of just saying what you wanted to say in English. She did say that it was a really good experience and that she and her husband, Dan, are trying to incorporate more of the language with their kids at home.
And lastly, I would like to add that I am delighted that the Jets are not going to the Superbowl.