This must be the winter of my discontent. Why does the cost of our town water go up while the pressure goes down? Sometimes the water merely dribbles from the faucet. We need better service than that.
I was just reading online about an American high school where the audience complained about a singer who changed the music for the national anthem. Someone said it was disrespectful to our troops. I think it shows disrespect for me and my country when the national anthem is sung as if it were a pop show. The national anthem includes its musical arrangement. That’s why the Irish tenor chose “God Bless America.”
I heard that the EMTs were buying Jaxtrax so they won’t slip on the ice when they come to pick you up. So I bought some at Brickman’s. These are rubber and metal braces that fit very snugly over hard shoes. They are amazing. They are not easy to put onto a pair of shoes. And they are a little awkward because you do not want to wear them inside, especially on slippery floors where they don’t work at all. So take a change of shoes for shopping. But it is worth the extra effort to avoid a bad fall on the ice.
My husband is still recovering from a painful spill last week. The good news is that this time he did not break a hip in the process.
The ladies know that Super Bowl Sunday means a sale at the Heath Hen Yarn & Quilt Shop with 20 percent off fabric and yarn from noon to 4 pm. Be sure to stock up, because Lynne will be closing for the last two weeks in February. She and Bob will be on vacation in North Carolina. Their oldest granddaughter Alexandra Schneider is celebrating her Bat Mitzvah. They’ll also be watching her sister Julianne swimming in the Junior Olympics. And they plan to catch granddaughter Emily Guettler’s soccer game.
Next Sunday is Lobster Roll Sunday at Grace Church. Have you planned your Super Bowl party yet? It is too bad we don’t have the Patriots and Brady, but we do have lobster rolls. You can order ahead at 693-0332 and pick them up at 12:30 on Sunday.
And on the subject of food and Grace Church: Every Friday from 5 to 7 you are invited to the free homemade soup suppers. You can sign up to bring something for a future supper while you’re there. And plan to join in the celebration of the Chinese New Year on February 11.
A series of movies about newspaper journalists will be shown Sundays in February at 2 pm at the V.H. library. The first one stars Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster in a hard-boiled 1950s film that captures the nighttime energy of Times Square with its black and white photography.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum has set up a Tisbury town forum asking for help from you in planning future exhibits. What do you think should be remembered about your town? What gives your town its distinctive character? Share your ideas and learn from your neighbors at 7 pm next Tuesday at the Vineyard Haven Library. The Museum invites you to comment on the Community Forums Blog at
The Museum put up an exhibit on ‘Your Town, Our Island’ last fall. The display highlights some of the unique stories of each of the Vineyard towns and shows potential stories that could be part of a permanent exhibit.
Will you be joining the discussion on Rebuilding Haiti next Thursday evening at 7 pm? The library has a series of discussions on a variety of topics, beginning February 10. The earthquake that devastated Haiti struck a country already suffering from widespread poverty. Did this disaster provide an opportunity? Sign up at the library and learn more about it.
Lots and lots of get well wishes go out to Gretchen Jacobs. We hope she will enjoy a rapid recovery.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out today to Nancy Tutko Hanschka. Tomorrow, wish the best to Suzanne Crossland. Happy birthday on Sunday to Pam Campagna and Rosemary Brown. Rosemary is the “best grandma in town” according to Ana and Tom Irwin. Monday belongs to Dan Harnen. Best wishes on Tuesday go to Joan McDonough.
Heard on Main Street: Ice goeth before a fall.