Chappaquiddick should have cable service


To the Editor:

This is a copy of a letter to the Edgartown selectmen.

I am writing with regard to the Comcast contract for Martha’s Vineyard, which, I understand, needs to be signed by June of this year. I am asking that this time Chappaquiddick not be overlooked in the process, as it was when the last contract, signed 10 years ago by Arthur Smadbeck and Margaret Serpa, specifically excluded Chappaquiddick. This must not happen again.

I ask that you work with the others involved to see that Chappaquiddick be included under the Edgartown cable umbrella. This entails seeing that broadband internet service is provided to your constituents on this little island that is a part of the town of Edgartown and thus should be cabled without suffering any additional costs. Comcast has attempted in the past to charge each home on Chappaquiddick upwards of $6,000 to connect to the network, and this, to me, is clear discrimination, as this has not been the case anywhere else in Edgartown. We on Chappaquiddick pay the same taxes and should have the same services as the rest of Edgartown.

Ann Hoar FloydChappaquiddick