

Look at these young people who are willing to serve as delegates to the 2011 Youth Leadership Summit for Sustainable Development. They will take part in the Martha’s Vineyard Youth Leadership Summit in June. They include Andrew Randall, Caitlin Serpa, Olivia Becchio, Warren Gowell, Jules Stuber, Jessie Chandler, Alex Mazza, Michael Montaniel, Samantha Valley, Antone Lima.

Also Shelby Ferry, Truda Silberstein, Del Araujo, Eva Faber, Katie Stewart, Dana Jacobs, JeVaughn Crooks, Paige McClaughlin, Sarah Johnson, Camila Fernandez, Bella Eldierry, Jacob Lawrence, Annie Burton, Samantha Abreu, Katie Johnson, Sivana Brown. And also Ashleen Cafarelli, Jamaree Thomas, Tiara Lee, Jasmine Devine, Maggie Rosborough, Ashley Tripp, Noelle Nelson, Sam Oslen, Kendall Robinson, Taylor Poggi. And more: Julia Cooper, Hannah Moore, Isabelle Wadleigh, Kat deBettencourt, Ben Lukowitz, Willie Nevin, Elsie Fantasia and James Feliz. We are proud of all of you.

Linsey Lee invites you to share memories from World War II veterans, reading excerpts from her book “Those Who Serve: Martha’s Vineyard and WWII.” This is the latest publication in her collection of oral histories gathered from Islanders. The program begins at 3 pm at the Library of the Martha’s Vineyard Museum on Saturday. Among others, Tom Hale, Ted Morgan, and Nelson Smith will speak.

On Saturday at 3 pm Island teens and family members are invited to learn more about AmeriCorps National Community Civilian Corps (NCCC). The program is free at the VH Library.

The MV Film Society has a British film at 7:30 pm on Saturday at the Cornell Theater called “Bomber.” It seems Alistair and Valerie have been planning a trip to Germany. When their son Ross stops by to send them off, he decides to join them for an impromptu family road trip of the most tortuous kind. It is soon discovered that Alistair’s reason for the comic but painful trip is to shed a guilt he’s been carrying for years. The family learns they need each other more then they imagined.

There is a lot going on at the library this week — for instance, on Tuesday morning there’s a puppet show for little ones with Dream Tale Puppets and Jacek and Norina.

On Tuesday evening at 7 pm, Rick Karney will deliver a talk, “The Importance of Shellfish to our Environment.” We all love to eat clams, but did you know how vital they are? You can put several clams, oysters, or mussels in a bucket of dirty water and in two days you will have clean water. They provide an anchor to strengthen the sea grass and other small animals that feed there. They are also very tasty.

The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club meets next Tuesday at 1 pm at the Wakeman Center. Guests are welcome. Philip Kyle will speak on Nature Deficit Disorder. (Now that sounds like my garden.) For more about this meeting, call 508-693-5334

Next Thursday from 6 to 9 pm is the annual gala Evening Under the Stars to benefit the Martha’s Vineyard Support Group. Since its inception, the group has given away over $425,000 to Vineyard families. All money raised goes directly to Vineyard families living with cancer.

Tickets are $100 per person. Mail your check to MVCSG, P.O. Box 2214, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 or pay at the door on the evening of the gala at the Granary Gallery. Admission is $100 per person. For more, call 696-9849 or email jcarrollmv@aol.com.

Here is a program that should be fascinating: A week from Saturday the MV Center for Living will host a noon luncheon at The Grill on Main in Edgartown. Our own mystery writer, Cynthia Riggs, will speak about whaling wives from Martha’s Vineyard. Cynthia’s great-grandmother, Mary Carline Cleaveland, sailed into the Pacific with her husband, Capt. James Cleaveland, on a five-year whaling voyage that produced two daughters.

Vineyarders will not want to miss this taste of Island history, and you get lunch, too. Tickets are available from Diane Jetmund, Chuck Cotnoir, Barbara Harnen, Ellie Bates, Ginger Duarte, June Manning, Shirley Dewing, Olga Church, or Karen Achille. Or call 508-939-9440.

Big bunches of birthday balloons go out tomorrow to Amy Levine. Wish the best on Saturday to Brendan O’Neil. Monday belongs to Jill Walsh. Happy birthday to Glenna Moore. Her special day is Tuesday.

Heard on Main Street: Watch out! Tomorrow is Friday the 13th.