I went away for the weekend and returned to find the lawn had grown about a foot in my absence. I guess that’s what you get from a week of rain followed by two days of sun. Hopefully the weather will hold for Memorial Day. Wouldn’t want it to rain on anyone’s barbecues.
Welcome to new Edgartonian, Mateo DeOliveira. Mateo joined parents Justine and Paulo on May 15 with a full head of brown hair. Peter and Nancy Shemeth could not be more thrilled to greet their first grandchild, and Kara Shemeth, her first niece. Congrats to all.
St. Andrew’s will see Round 2 of the Smith progeny christened on Sunday. Three years ago, each of the Smith kids (Phil, Andy, and Sally) had a kid of his/her own, and we witnessed the shared christening of cousins Charlie, Adeline, and Oliver. Now, 2011 has brought with it the second round of Smith births, and this weekend, Hazel, Andrew, and Pearl will be christened together. A happy day to everyone.
Congratulations to the sixth-grade class for completing DARE training at the Edgartown School. I hope you all enjoy your graduation ceremony today.
I reported a while back about the renovations to the old Edgartown Hardware building on Main Street. The work is now complete, and the Boneyard is now happily situated in its new home. In addition to surf and skateboarding clothing and gear, the store offers bathing suits, kites, and beach toys — pretty much anything you would need for fun in the sun. It’s always good to see something new on Main Street. Keeps things interesting.
In honor of his parents, Graham Murray is raising money for Relay for Life in Greenwich, Conn., which takes place June 10. You can donate or join the team on “Team Stan and Nan” at www.relayforlife.org. Look for the 06830 walk. Little Zachary and Hannah have already emptied their piggy banks, so we should at least be able to match that for Stan and Nan, who loved Edgartown as much as we all do.
Go support your local musicians this Saturday, May 28, beginning at 9 pm at Nectar’s Third Annual Local Bash, featuring Erich Luening debuting a new CD, “Red Flags,” with special guests Nina Violet and Marciana Jones, Philly D, Sabrina Brooke, and DCLA, along with a few other “secret guests.” For tickets and info, visit www.nectarsmv.com.
Happy birthday to my sis-in-law, Eliza Dolby, who celebrates May 27. The pink cocktails are on me. Additional birthday wishes go out to Kristina Ivory on May 27, and to John McCarron, who celebrates May 31.
If you are lucky enough to have a three-day weekend, enjoy. And on this Memorial Day, let’s remember those who have fallen, and offer thanks to those who continue their fight.