Rupert has come between them


To the Editor:

Some 10 or 15 years ago, I started what was known as the Lenny’s Loop Fourth of July block party. Why? Because I loved the neighbors that I had already met and thought it would be a great way to get to know the rest of them. Some lived elsewhere during the winter, some dreamed about retiring here, some had lived here all of their lives, but what I remembered most was that, despite the disparity of our backgrounds we all loved this place and the people we were lucky enough to live next door to.

And I remember the very first one (block party) was a disaster because it rained, yet everyone still came, brought their food. even utensils, and drank the beer Bill Little had so graciously provided, and nobody really wanted to go home despite the rain.

Then Rupert the rooster appeared on our block three summers ago, and almost overnight the dynamics changed. We now have neighbors pitted against neighbors because of him, and I wonder what has happened to us, to allow the rights of a rooster to supersede those of a human being, a neighbor, a friend, all of whom pay taxes for the privilege of living on this very special street.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I am hoping that perhaps we can come up with a solution that would satisfy everyone and we could then return to being the kind, considerate, and caring people we once were, before Rupert appeared on our respective doorsteps.

June Parker
