The sun finally came out. My painting partner, Leslie Baker, and I packed up our easels and lunch and headed down to Sepiessa Point for a perfect day. Liz Taft was there, painting when we arrived, a bit up the path from where Leslie and I set up. Other than Liz, only one person came by walking her dog, so no interruptions, only a pleasantly solitary outing and the sun on my skin. “The best life in the world,” as one of us always says.
Throughout her college years, Leslie’s daughter, Emma Gorenberg, said that she would read my column to find out what her mother was up to. I’m afraid Leslie and I haven’t been out having adventures as often as we used to, so I’m glad to have something to report to Emma.
Memorial Day weekend brought lots of traffic and lots of events. Summery weather was conducive to cookouts, baseball, and time in the garden. I could hear the sound of lawnmowers and weed-whackers around our neighborhood. Events continue and everyone is already busier than there are hours in the day.
Friday evening, June 3, the West Tisbury Church will host a concert by the Merrimac Valley Ringers. Come at 5:30 pm for a potluck supper. The concert begins at 7 pm. Marsha Winsryg, who organized the event, commented, “We are excited at this opportunity to hear a large and seasoned bell troupe perform in the intimate setting of this venerable church.” There will be CDs for sale, and a small donation is requested to help pay traveling expenses for the 17 musicians.
Over at the Charter School, an alumni reunion begins Friday evening at 6 pm. All high school alumni are invited for dinner, dancing, and celebrating. The Charter School will hold its graduation ceremonies this Sunday, June 5, at 1 pm.
Learn about “Unusual Annuals and Vines” at Vineyard Gardens Lecture Series this Saturday, June 4, at 11 am.
On Monday, June 6, the West Tisbury Library will host another in its series of public forums. Learn about our plans to add-on to our building, and share your ideas. The program begins at 5:30 pm.
Paddy Moore and friends have put together an interesting program that will take place from 2 to 6 pm at the Grange on Tuesday, June 7. It’s a Summer Preview of Arts and Culture on Martha’s Vineyard, bringing together artists and cultural organizations to show what they do. The targeted audience is realtors, hoteliers, anyone who wants to highlight the arts community. Go to for more information.
An opportunity of a different sort is the possibility of a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) program being offered on the Island this fall or winter. Dr. Lorna Andrade is looking for interested students. Please contact her at or by phone at 508-862-1953.
Cynthia Riggs will read from her latest mystery at the library on June 9 at 5 pm. “The Bee Balm Murders” was my delightful companion this past weekend, keeping me amused during a bout of middle-of-the-night sleeplessness. I heartily recommend it. I’m sure it would be just as entertaining during the day at the beach or in a comfy lawn chair.
Tom Dresser has a new book out, too. “The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha’s Vineyard: Colonization to Recognition” is a history of the tribe with interviews and biographies of key members. It’s available at Alley’s and the library.
The Fifth Annual Summer Poetry Festival begins at Featherstone next Thursday evening, June 9, at 7 pm. Dawn Lundy Martin and Ronaldo V. Wilson will read from their work.
The Friends of the West Tisbury Free Public Library have set the dates for their popular summer book sale. Doors will open at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School cafeteria this year, Friday, July 29 through Monday, August 1, 9 am to 3 pm. The Friends ask that large donations be delivered directly to the high school after July 5. The sheds behind the library are totally full.
The landscape seems to have changed completely in a matter of days. Only last week, my woods were open spaces of prominent tree-trunks and rainy lavender sky, pale and intermittent areas of color. Now I find myself enclosed in greenery, full and bright, sunshine streaming, only a few bits of blue sky breaking through. The rhododendron hedge is in its second flush of bloom, pink following white, the newest-planted section now almost four feet tall and making a noticeable display this year. Iris are beginning to bloom in the flowerbeds and my peas are still not in the ground.