“WE GOT IT” says the sign on the door of the West Tisbury Library. Director Beth Kramer drove to the Northborough Public Library on July 14 for the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners meeting and awarding of construction grants. Grants to eight libraries were announced in alphabetical order, keeping Beth on the edge of her seat, as Athol through West Springfield were called out. Then she heard West Tisbury.
“With library use at an all-time high, these grants will help libraries meet the growing library needs of their residents,” MBLC chairman Katherine Dibble said.
Now the work begins, as we have to raise private and town funds to match the grant of $2,982,544.00, which is 55 percent of the projected total cost of an addition to our library. Along with Beth and her staff, many people in town have worked so hard to get us to this point, including trustees and friends of the library, foundation members, and the building committee. We’ll all take a deep breath and continue on.
Artists are committed by contributing part (or all) of their sales at “Art Works to benefit the West Tisbury Library,” a special exhibition July 25 and 26 at the Shaw Cramer Gallery in Vineyard Haven. Please come to a reception at the gallery Monday evening, July 25, from 5 to 8 pm.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum has declared July 25 to 30 West Tisbury Week, part of an ongoing exhibition, “Your Town, Our Island,” celebrating the distinctive character of each town. Year-round and seasonal residents of West Tisbury are invited to visit the museum with free admission and a discount on the price of membership.
Vineyard Knitworks in Vineyard Haven has designed a series of classes for adults and kids, beginning knitters, and those with advanced skills. For information, stop into the store, call 508-687-9163, or look at their website, vineyardknitworks.com.
“Evergreens in Your Garden” is the subject of Vineyard Gardens’ Saturday morning lecture. It begins at 11 am.
Henry Bassett has been entertaining friends Emily and Seb Rodger from Formby, England. They are keeping busy playing with Maisie Mouse and an English stuffed dog and cat, breakfasting at The Plane View, and playing at the playground. Henry is taking a break from working at the Friends of the Library’s book sale, where he is a star volunteer. He reports that preparations are going well for a better-than-ever sale. Dates are July 29 through August 1.
Chris and Evan Fielder are having a special display of Turkish ceramics this weekend at their store, Fielder and Fielder Imports, at the Flanders Farm, North Road, Chilmark. Some of the designs date from the 14th century. Look for the windmill near Menemsha Crossroads and drive straight in. The shop is on the left.
Saturday, July 23, come to the West Tisbury Church for an Ice Cream Festival from 11 am-4 pm. Ice cream cones and sundaes topped with homemade strawberry sauce, hot fudge, or hot butterscotch are on the menu.
Congratulations to Emily Lowe, who was presented with a music scholarship by Dee Stevens at the beginning of last week’s Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society concert at The Whaling Church in Edgartown. Emily will begin her studies this fall at UMass Amherst. She is the daughter of Erik and Cheryl Lowe, proud parents indeed.
Michelle Jasny will be writing about this in a near-future column, but it bears constant repeating. Don’t leave your dog in a hot, closed car this time of year. My husband, Mike, thinks that people get out of an air-conditioned car assuming it will stay cool. It doesn’t. Cars heat up so quickly and it takes no time at all for an animal to suffer from heatstroke. If you have your dog along, park in the shade, open all the windows, and don’t leave him/her too long. While I’m at it, don’t walk your dog on hot pavement or a hot beach either. And remember water. Better yet, leave the dog home.
Jeannie Borrgaard stopped me at Cronig’s the other day to say that I sound like I take the time to really enjoy the summer. “You sound like you stop to smell the roses.” I laughed, as I feel like I’m on auto-pilot from April through October, but I’m glad it sounds otherwise. I guess I should appreciate the enriching quality of those brief moments, rather than bemoaning their fleeting. Thanks, Jeannie, for reminding me.
Xing Senna, was in the Post Office the other day with her mom, Jennifer Tseng, when I heard her say, “I wish it was winter.”