

Tonight is the annual summer meeting with the selectmen at the Community Center at 7 pm. Suzanne Modigliani, a member of the Town Affairs Council, encourages everyone to stop by. Many will be in attendance to represent the boards they volunteer to sit on, but unfortunately some of us lack the flexibility at this time of year to make adjustments to a hectic summer lifestyle. Those of us who will not be present (I speak as a Board of Health member) remind all of our summer friends that our regularly scheduled meetings are open to the public with the times listed on the town website. Please feel free to sit in the audience of any town board meeting to see local government in action.

This Saturday August 6, Featherstone will celebrate its 15th birthday. Stop in from 3:15 to 8:15 pm for cake and an assortment of events, which will include our very own Lillian Kellman in her storytelling glory. Lillian looks forward to being surrounded by school age children at 4 pm in the Children’s Studio where she will share her magical tales with all those willing to listen to her sweet voice. Miss Lillian is famous in our school. If she is spotted somewhere by a wide-eyed child, perhaps in the post office, you will likely hear a little voice whisper, “That’s Lillian!”

Come meet acclaimed local author Kate Feiffer at the Chilmark Library on Monday, August 8, at 10:30 am. Kate will read and talk about her new book, “My Side of the Car.” This wonderful book is illustrated by her father, the renowned cartoonist Jules Feiffer. The story was inspired by a childhood trip she made with her father to Felix Neck.

Make another trip with your little ones to the center of town on Tuesday to meet popular storybook character Madeline, created by Ludwig Bemelmans. Come and meet Madeline with Librarian Kristin Maloney at the Chilmark Community Center at 11 am. Make your way over to the library at 11:30 am for a special but secret event. Madeline will be stopping by for this surprise as well.

The library is offering, for the third day in a row, another event with this one geared toward adults. Restoring roundhouses with Robert Groves on Wednesday August 10 at 5:30 is sure to entice historical enthusiasts.

Did you know the Home Port’s back door is open every day starting at 11 am? From chowder to fish tacos to doughnuts and Chef Teddy’s hand-cut French fries are totally delicious. According to Sarah Nixon, in addition to the ease of back door service, the Home Port has gone old school with a nightly three-course shore dinner with several items in each course to choose from. The staff invites you to come before 6 pm for a three-course dinner for $35.00. I am not sure if I should thank Sarah for turning me on to their fresh-squeezed lemonade or curse her. Yes, it is really that good.

Chef Robin Forte’s simple but delicious country buffet is making mornings at the Beach Plum a destination for those in the know — house-made baked goods, fresh fruit, a daily egg dish, Joan Nathan’s caramelized fruit French toast and frittata. The best part is you don’t have to stay at the inn to partake — come enjoy the spectacular view of Menemsha and a yummy breakfast for just $12.

Yes, it is a way off, but set aside October 7 to 9 for your mind, body and soul at the Martha’s Vineyard Yoga Festival held at the Beach Plum. The MVYF will offer classes for all levels, including led morning beach meditations, an evening kirtan, juice bar, fresh air and shopping that will feature Hyde Yoga and Yoga Mat clothing. Half day, 1-day, and 3-day passes are now available at

Big congratulations to Nina Lombardi and Dana Kiendzior. The beautiful couple tied the knot this past weekend surrounded by the love and laughter of family and friends. Nina is the daughter of Mary and Primo.

My sports commentator, Bill Edison, was a little late to this past Sunday’s softball festivities. His daughter was in town so he let her sleep in, and I am sure there was a thanks for dear ole dad. Bill, nevertheless, checked in as scheduled with a few wild stories to share. The first involved Wesley Cottle reminding him of an occasion years ago when Bill rubbed pine tar all over his bat.

Bill also told me a tale (perhaps a tall one) about the Coast Guardsmen playing and foregoing a rescue call for the sake of the softball game. Apparently, puppeteer Bill Baird had to rescue the vessel in distress with his homemade sailing craft. Sounds a little fishy to me.