Katie Carroll
Chilmark: Mr. Morgan turns 90
This Sunday, March 30, is the day Mr. Morgan will celebrate the completion of ninety years on this earth. He has had a fascinating life of fishing, carving, raising children, participating in town affairs and more. Although I see his smiling face almost daily as he tools around with his bride Roberta, I look forward to the day when their Harbor Craft Shop is open...
Chilmark: farewell to Louis Larsen
12:57 pm marks the beginning of spring, the vernal equinox. Today, theoretically because snow and cold still can happen, brings us increasing daylight and...
Chilmark: Spring is the time of plans and projects
The face of our community has yet another wrinkle due to the passing of a favorite. Louis Larsen has left our shores for a...
The town of Chilmark has refilled again after a much-needed February vacation. Things are essentially unchanged: the paperwork is still piled on the desk,...
Shh...it’s quiet around town. It’s school vacation week. It seems like nearly everyone has ventured somewhere. Many opted for warmth and a quick dose...
Yes, folks, everything is fine at the Slater home. Many of us spotted the ambulance on Basin Road the other day and wondered what...
This past weekend, well, it was all about the Chilmark School for me. Brooks, my ten-year-old fifth-grader, returned from the school’s Outing Program ski...
Now that you’ve all heard that the Carrolls had the flu, let me tell you the story...wait, wait, ah-choo. It started on a Friday...
There is no Chilmark Town News column this week. It will return next week, after the flu releases its grip on the Carroll family.
Four-day weekend for our kiddos.
Eighth task: I will leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies, "Good Will Hunting.
Oh! How could I almost forget! A very happy sixth birthday to Miss Emily Boyd, my most favorite New Year's baby.
The Leports, Mayhews, Carrolls, Brodericks, Glasgows, Favreaus, Scotts, Bacon/Zacks, the kiddos in the preschool late day program and more licked on candy canes, ate...
In less than a week the man in red will be squeezing down chimneys to leave treasures for our children.
A few birthday shouts go out to Jesse Keller, Dickie Vincent, Bob Lunbeck, Barbara Rivers, Sophie Parker, Jakie Glasgow, and Hunter Broderick.
One more reminder, the Chilmark Volunteer Firefighter's Association will host its annual town children's Christmas party on December 18.
Various birthdays abound so I wish a happy happy to: Jim Policastro, Jennifer Grace, Carol Merry, Perry Ambulos, Tori Shanok Dolan, Isaiah Scheffer, Philippa Rolins, Louis Larsen, a slightly belated 91st to Trudy Taylor, and any of you that I may have missed along the way.
'Tis the season to be thankful.
I don't know about you, but at this time of year, which is chockablock full of holidays and such, I must do a little planning ahead.