Well, we made it through Christmas, just one more holiday to go, and I am a firm believer in completely ignoring New Year’s Eve if you just don’t feel up to it. I, for one, have no money left to really do much celebrating. Why is it that every Christmas I always say I’m not going to spend a lot and then once I add things up I realize that we could have gone on a great long weekend vacation with what we spent. New Year’s resolution #1: spend less money on stuff, and more on experiences.
The West Tisbury Congregational Church Community Suppers begin on Wednesday, January 4, at 5:30 pm and will be held every Wednesday through March 28, weather permitting. If you can, bring a side dish with you, but it is not required. If you would like more information, call 508-221-0314.
Next Saturday, January 7, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival will hold its second Winter Film Series. Come at 5 pm for dinner and short films for kids, followed by more dinner and music at 6:30, and then at 7:30 a feature film will be shown, “The Hedgehog.” All this will take place at the Chilmark Community Center; go to tmvff.org for more details.
Congratulations to Noli Taylor and all at Island Grown Schools: the up-Island School Committee voted to renovate the West Tisbury School kitchen and end the 23-year contract with the for-profit food company, Chartwells. It still needs to go to the Selectmen, but this is a huge victory for all of us who want our children to have real, healthy, local food. Thank you to Noli and all at IGS and Island Grown Initiative for all your hard work and dedication to this issue.
The Aquinnah Christmas Party was wonderful. Santa rolled in on the fire truck about half an hour after the party started and all the kids went wild although they settled down nicely and all waited their turns to sit on Santa’s lap and get a gift. I only saw one small child burst into tears due to Santa fright, and most of the kids instantly ripped open their packages and played with their toys (lots of Transformers, and games for the older kids). Everyone brought great food, and the company was wonderful. Lifetime Aquinnah residents reminisced about the town party when they were kids. It was a very sweet time. Thank you to Nonie Madison, Betty Joslow, Nancy Laporte, Theresa Manning, Jay Smalley, and everyone else who contributed to making it a great Christmas for the people of Aquinnah.
Irina and Lang Gerhard hosted an open house on Christmas Day to about 40 people and many kids, when I talked to Irina she was resting. Which at this point seems like a great idea.