Edgartown officials ‘get their share’ despite rules


To the Editor:

In regards to the December 22 article entitled “Mismanagement decried at the Edgartown Waste Plant.”

The town of Edgartown Sewer Rules and Regulations, adopted January 23, 1980, along with amendments to it, dictate and direct plant operators, Waste Water Commissioners, and selectmen on the proper operation of the Edgartown Waste Water Treatment Facility (EWWTF).

If rules and regulations were nonexistent, there may be a case for passing this whole affair off as “mismanagement irregularities,” or faulty septage drivers, but it is more likely that certain segments of town government felt it more expedient and personally profitable to ignore the existence of current rules and regulations.

For the last nine years, anarchy has prevailed over established rules and regulations for running the EWWTF. During this period, we can only imagine the price fixing, extortion, and favors that have been granted at all levels.

Somebody needs to step in, clean house, and let law and order prevail, but don’t get your hopes up. If selectmen and wastewater commissioners can sewer upper Main Street in 2002 without permits or public notices, they can help plant manager Joe Alosso get away with the honor system, as long as they get their share.

Jay Guest
