I hope you all had a lovely holiday, here or away. Somehow even the travelers seemed to find the traffic a little easier than anticipated. It must be all those warm fuzzy thoughts in the air.
I guess it is pretty obvious that the shops want to get rid of extraneous merchandise before they begin to do the inventory. So of course you will be happy to help in any way that you can.
I started the process early by deleting all the advertising emails that were filling my box. That was okay because they started again the day after Christmas. And perhaps there will be something that I cannot now resist. I do love to use the delete button on such messages.
Start the New Year properly with lobster rolls from the Grace Episcopal Church. They will be available after church on New Year’s Day, from noon to 2 pm. This may be just enough if you overindulged at the party on the Eve. You can buy one for your easy lunch or supper or to enjoy during football. Lobster rolls will be sold on the first Sunday for the next few months, ending on April first.
A week from tomorrow Grace Church begins serving their wintertime community suppers on Fridays from now through March. All are welcome. The meals are free. You can bring a side dish or make a donation if you wish.
If you need to recover from too much fun, the Spa at the Mansion House is offering facials, manicures, and pedicures at specially reduced rates on Thursdays in January. Call 508-693-2200, ext.105.
On Tuesday learn about the Martha’s Vineyard Ecumenical Youth Group at the Neighborhood Convention. The meeting will begin at 10:45 am at the Federated Church in Edgartown. Bring a sandwich. The church will provide beverages and dessert.
The West Tisbury Congregational Church Community Suppers begin this next Wednesday at 5:30 pm and continue every Wednesday through March 28, weather permitting. Side dishes and donations are gratefully accepted but are not required.
The West Tisbury Library is holding a Speakeasy Series at the State Road Restaurant to benefit the capital campaign. Next week you can spend an intimate evening with two prize-winning poets on Wednesday. Jennifer Tseng and Fanny Howe will be there at 5:30 pm. Mingle and speak with the authors and enjoy hors d’oeuvres and light refreshments. Call 508-693-3489 to reserve your $125 ticket.
Congratulations to Hank and Linda Unczur. Their wedding anniversary is New Year’s Day.
Big bunches of birthday balloons go out today to Peter VanTassel, Toby Riseborough, and Denise Dorsey Cafarelli.
Tomorrow our artist and illustrator friend, Ron Druett, will be marking his birthday in New Zealand. Wish the best to Mark Kurth, Steve Bernier, and Jeremy Rockman. They will welcome in the New Year with birthday cakes. Happy birthday to John Chapman who parties on the 2nd.
Heard on Main Street: This is the land of the free — because of the brave.