When he reached out, help was there


To the Editor:

I would like to thank the following Island organizations: the Edgartown Council on Aging; Martha’s Vineyard Cancer Support Group; Oak Bluffs Ambulance Service; Vineyard Nursing Association; Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, and the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

I would like to offer special thanks to the following individuals: Erin Kokoszka, Anne Marie Donahue, Carolyn Downs, and Patty French.

Living here, we come to realize there are certain limits in what we can expect in the way of goods and services. Having a difficult year due to medical issues and feeling almost overwhelmed, when I reached out for help I found the help to be there. I can’t say enough good things about the Island’s community support groups.

I am extremely grateful for the kindness, generosity, and dedication of all those that work for these services, the volunteers that give freely of their time to assist, and all of those that help to fund these organizations.

I still have a rough stretch of road ahead of me. It is heartening and reassuring to know that if I need to reach out for support that it is there.

God bless you all, the best of the season, and a healthy and prosperous new year. Keep up the good work.

Bernard Whitney
