

I’m giving in to the idea of a mild winter. You all know how much I love snow, but I give up. Time to accept Mother Nature’s terms this year and take advantage. And I have to say, it was lovely to get out and walk a good five miles around town this past weekend wearing only a few thin layers while soaking in sunshine reminiscent of early spring.

I have been glued to my desk this past week and had to enlist the help of one of my correspondents in the field, so thanks, Jen O’Hanlon for getting out there and mixing it up so I have something to report.

Local adventuress Hilary Grannis is off to Bwindi, Uganda, and Tanzania for the next three weeks, where she will venture forth on two gorilla treks and a safari. Sounds like quite an exciting trip, and I can’t wait to see the pictures.

Not to be limited in her world knowledge, Hilary has been participating in a monthly international supper club with fellow multiculturalists, Heather Hunt, Doriana Klumick, Sydney Mullen, Kristin and Steven Warriner, Paul Moreau, and Jen and Tom O’Hanlon. The group has so far honored Russia, Thailand, and Mexico, and next month they will feature the food and culture of Japan.

It’s not too early to begin thinking about summer fun. For over 40 years, Felix Neck’s summer day camp has brought together children and nature on their 350-acre wildlife sanctuary. From paddling on the pond to searching for salamanders in the woods, their programs encourage campers to actively investigate their surroundings, make their own discoveries, appreciate nature, and most of all have fun. Sessions run from June 20 to August 31. Brochures and information are available at our website massaudubon.org/felixneck or by calling 508-627-4850.

The United Methodist Church of Martha’s Vineyard will honor Martin Luther King Jr. this Sunday in their 10 am service at Trinity Church, across from the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs, by using excerpts from his sermons and other writings, which reflect his commitment not only to civil rights, but to social justice, world peace, and the dignity of man. The selections come from sermons written between 1954 and 1968 for churches all over the U.S., including Alabama, Chicago, Detroit, and Montgomery, as well as his 1964 Noble Peace Prize acceptance speech.

We’ve passed a couple of very special birthdays lately that I must report on belatedly. Grandparents Coo and Donna Cavallo and parents Jonas Cavallo and Anastasia Oliveira celebrated the birthday of Troy Cavallo on December 30. Also, Jack Laird just celebrated his January 9 birthday this past Saturday with a movie party, where he and friends watched the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie at the Edgartown theater.

A lucky Friday the 13th happy birthday goes out to Gene Townes. Hope it’s a good one.