Sick bay. Five days of high fevers, head aches, chills, hallucinations, lack of appetite, achy muscles, a couple of visits to the doctor, a missed off-Island play performance and the list goes on. The strep test for both of my kids came back negative as did the flu. We may never know the name of this bug that has come to visit my children but, with animosity, it shall be referred to as the plague. At least this go-round, if you recall the illness struck less than a month ago, didn’t involve vomit.
So, to say the least, I haven’t been out there much, chatting with my neighbors. But I can share a few little tidbits that were emailed to me.
It’s almost like a birthday when an event recurs year after year. So celebrate with the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival at its 12th annual winter Festival Friday March 16 to 18, this Friday to Sunday, at the Chilmark Community Center.
In addition to the world-class films, Todd Christy will be there brewing up fresh java from Chilmark Coffee Company. Chris Fischer from Beetlebung Farm will take to the kitchen using fresh ingredients from Island farms to feed the masses. Amy Miller from Chilmark Cottage Baker will be there to make sure you have something sweet. Have you ever had a slice of one of Amy’s cakes? I have. If her mission is to create cakes that are enjoyable to the palate and pleasing to the eye then Amy Miller has succeeded.
According to MVFF’s Brooke Hardman Ditchfield, Nancy Aronie along with Island writer Justin Ahren will lead a talk back after the Academy Award nominated short documentary “The Tsunami and The Cherry Blossom.” So stop by, say hello, have a bite, have a cup, see a movie, engage with your neighbors, make a new friend.
Daffodils have begun to bloom around town. They have been spotted in various back yards including Tim Carroll’s, Buffy, Gil and Christian Carroll’s, and some real beauties in the yard of David Geiger and John Lamb (who coincidentally just returned from a splendid trip to Kauai). Why am I mentioning the daffodils so intently? Dorothy Bangs and Judy Baynes would like to share that the American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days are coming. For $10 a bunch, they will be for sale March 20 at the Edgartown Stop & Shop, Tony’s Market, and at Vineyard Haven Cronig’s. They will also be offered at the hospital on March 21.
Judi Worthington asked that I please mention the upcoming Garden Club speaker at the Wakeman Center. Vern Laux will be speaking about spring and our feathered friends on Tuesday, March 20, at 1 pm. If you can’t make it, his voice and expertise can be heard the first Monday of the month on The Point with Mindy Todd on WCAI 90.1
Kristen Maloney reminds us all to stop by the library and check out the March art exhibit in the newly painted meeting room. The show features the art work of the Chilmark School students.
A new group at the library meets every Tuesday at 12 noon. The Mother and Infant Group — called “Baby’s First Year” and sponsored by Community Services and led by Marny Toole, is certain to draw a crowd.
Tonight from 7:30-9:30 pm, Richard Skidmore will be hosting a Videography event at Pathways, which is located at Chilmark Tavern.
This event, the second in the Digital Visions/Creating Reality series, will focus on video storytelling that incorporates digital effects to help illuminate a narrative. For additional information call 508-645-9098.
With all the discussion that has revolved around Tea Lane Farm regarding farming and agriculture I thought it fitting to mention the farm plots being offered at the FARM Institute through a grant from
the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. The Farm Institute is making one-acre farm plots available to island residents interested in trying new crops or new growing processes. Water, tillable ground, assistance with planning and expenses will be available. You can download the application at
Very happy birthdays go out to Brian Cioffi, Quinlan Slavin, Marshall Carroll, Sawyer Rothman, Nisa Counter, and Owen Singer.