Thank you to the MVRHS boys and girls basketball hockey squads for providing us with one of the most exciting sports season in many years. The boys basketball team made it to the semi-finals and although they lost, they won our admiration for their skills and conduct during this entire season.
Oak Bluffs voters, here is something to help you be more informed about candidates up for election in our town this year. The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard is once again sponsoring a candidates’ forum and invites all persons who have filed for elected office in this year’s town election to participate. The event will be held at the Oak Bluffs School on Wednesday, March 28, at 7 pm.
The Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network will award a Small Business Grant of $2,500 to a small business person based on Martha’s Vineyard who plans to improve, grow, or start a new business. The project or program should be consistent with MVWN’s mission to promote economic development on Martha’s Vineyard. Application and instructions can be found at Questions may be sent to All applications must be post marked by April 6, 2012.
The Annual American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days are coming! Volunteers will be delivering pre-paid flowers on Tuesday, March 20. Bouquets will also be for sale that afternoon at the Edgartown Stop & Shop and Tony’s Market in Oak Bluffs, and at Vineyard Haven Cronig’s and the M.V. Hospital on Wednesday morning, March 21. Monies collected ($10 donation per bunch) will be used to fund research to search for a cure, and to help provide support for individuals who are battling this illness. Thank you for your support.
Condolences to the family of Jane Votta who died in Florida last week. Jane was a long-time Town Clerk for the Town and held many other town positions. Sympathies to her family and friends.
Jack Rogers, son of Pam and Charlie Rogers of Acton, recently was named Athlete of the Week at Keene State College in Keene, N.H. Jack is a freshman and plays goalie in lacrosse. The proud grandparents are Bob and Jodie Falkenburg who are year-round Campgrounders.
Through a grant from the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, The FARM Institute is making one-acre farm plots available to Vineyarders interested in trying new crops or new growing processes. Water, tillable ground, assistance with planning, and expenses will be available. Download the application at
We send birthday smiles to Jib Ellis and Bill Stafursky on March 15. Edith Rouseau, Kelsey DeBettencourt, Joe Moujabber, and Jaime Leon on March 18, Jim Dorsey on the 19th and Erica Ponte and Cherrie Nunes on March 21.Enjoy your week.Peace.