Mary Ambulos is back. She, along with Chilmark School principal Susan Stevens, attended Powerschool University to train on the software program that all of the elementary and middle schools are now using. PowerSchool is the most widely used web-based student information system offering a collaborative environment for parents, teachers and students to work together. The plus side of going to computer school, which Mary admits is not exactly her forte, was that it was held at the happiest place on earth, Disney World. In the evening, after school let out, Mary strolled the Boardwalk and caught a glimpse of all the fun performers. She wandered around Downtown Disney and took in a little night life and she walked around the world showcase at Epcot.
Save that date. Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish will lead you into rocking the night away all to benefit the Martha’s Vineyard Youth Soccer program. $20 gets you in the door of the Chilmark Community Center from 7 to 10 pm. Snacks and drinks will be available and the silent auction should certainly have some interesting items up for bid. Speaking of the auction, if you have any cool stuff you’d like to offer, please contact Perry Ambulos at 508-645-8002. He his very involved with the program and his son, Gabe, is a player we all like to watch on the field.
Tristan and Charlotte Scott of Pasture Farm welcomed ten piglets to the world last Wednesday. Father pig Ted has been transformed into bacon, roasts, and hams. He will grace many a table this spring.
Judy and Ted Mayhew are back from Sugarloaf Key, Florida. Kathie and Emmett Carroll are still there holding court with the iguanas, but they will return soon as well. Carol Mays and Terry Mays Shawver were in town this past week to check on Carol and Ted’s mother Mildred. Mildred did a little stint in the hospital but is back at the Henrietta Brewer House. It is hard to believe she has been around for ninety-seven and a half years. I have heard some of her stories and stories about her but certainly not enough. How lucky we all are to have her.
Scott McDowell, Annalee Hoy, and Annette Cingle shot me off a picture of their hand-crafted beach house on the island of Oahu. Scott has had the opportunity to visit with daughter Lauren who lives out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Son Ross made it out for a visit, too. What a treat to be able to catch up with both of his kids.
Lovely librarian Irene once again emailed me with the scoop for tomorrow night’s Free Friday Movie. Paul Newman and Robert Redford are pulling out all the stops in the classic “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.” Stop in at the Library to enjoy free popcorn and drinks while your mind is wrapped up in an Academy Award-winning film.
Mike Broderick and Mary McConneloug, known around the world as Team Kenda-Seven-NoTubes, are on the opposite side of the globe having recently raced in the first Mountain Bike World Cup cross country race of the year. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, is where Mary found herself in a sea of riders finishing without injury in a respectable 41st place.
I know most of the island made it to Dairy Queen on opening day. The Carroll family finally made it on Sunday along with a couple of Bradley’s friends, Emelia Cappelli and Hartley Sierputoski. A chocolate-dipped twist, an Orange Julius smoothie and a couple of brownie/Oreo earthquake sundaes were in the mix. On the way out the door, one Carroll family passed another. Christian Carroll and his mom, Buffy, were headed in to order their treats. What a great way to round out the weekend!