

Congratulations to Len Morris of Galen Films. The U.S. Department of Labor has recognized “his lifetime of work raising global awareness of the plight of child laborers.” At the award ceremony there was a short preview from Morris/Galen Films’ latest documentary, “The Same Heart,” a global essay on children and poverty and the final film in a trilogy on children’s rights. This is a series aimed at raising public awareness of child trafficking and exploitative child labor. For more information, see mediavoicesforchildren.org.

On Tuesday, Mary Jane Sorrentino will talk about the climate change in the northeast, the reality that faces us. The program begins at 7 pm at the V.H. Library.

Will you help set the goals for our own Vineyard Haven Library? As part of the planning there is a second public forum on Wednesday at 6 pm. Determine what you would like to see for the town in five years and how the library can help with that vision. They need you even if you filled out the questionnaire. This covers different questions. You may win one of two door prizes, a Nook eReader that may be used to check out library eBooks or a gift certificate to the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore.

The Slow Food folks invite you to the Morning Glory Farm Stand on Friday at 6 pm for a full tasting of cheeses and wines of the world. Enjoy a discussion led by Jacqueline Foster, cheesemaker at Mermaid Farm, on the topic of terroir: a taste of place. Donation of $30 for the cheese tasting and $45 to pair cheeses with wines. RSVP ticketsmv.com and save $5.

The Vineyard Committee on Hunger (VCOH) says there are fewer donations this year, while the cost of food and requests for help are going up. Family to Family provides holiday food baskets. The families that come for the holiday baskets are in great need. The Island Food Pantry will be closing April 13 (although open by appointment for emergencies). So the Spring Holiday Basket helps put some extra food in the refrigerator.

VCOH ask you to sponsor one family by contributing the cost of one family’s meal, $25. If they raise enough money, the spring basket will include a ham, several pounds of potatoes, onions, carrots, apples, oranges, sweet potatoes, and a dozen eggs. Mail checks to VCOH, marked for Family to Family, to PO Box 4685, Vineyard Haven 02568. It is never too late to help.

Jennifer Ray invites you to the annual Grace Preschool spaghetti dinner and auction a week from Saturday on March 31 at Grace Church. The dinner begins at 5 pm, with takeout from 4:30. Auction preview is downstairs. Silent auction is 5 pm to 6:45 when the live auction begins. There are some great opportunities: lunch for two at the State House with Sen. Dan Wolf, a catered cruise on the schooner Perception, five-course dinner for ten, and summer camps. Proceeds benefit the Grace Preschool. Tickets for dinner by Giordano’s Restaurant are $10 for adults and $5 for children, family of 5 is $30. Call 508-693-0332 for advance orders of takeout.

Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out today to Rev. Rob Hensley and to Rosemary Milewski. Wish the best on Wednesday to Hank and Linda Unczur. They are both celebrating on the 28th. That’s also a special day for Dale McClure.

Heard on Main Street: The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow.