

The weather has been so lovely and mild that my sense of time is completely off. I was in Menemsha over the weekend and thought for sure things would be open any day now, but it’s still only March and The Galley et al will still not be open for another month and a half. Maybe everyone at the Cliffs will band together and open up early this year. That would be so nice. The good weather only goes so far, you still need something to do.

Oh my goodness, Easter is next weekend. The schedule for the Community Baptist Church of Gay Head is as follows:

Palm Sunday Worship, Sunday, April 1, at 9 am; Good Friday Service, Friday, April 6, at 7 pm; Easter Service, Sunday, April, 8 at 6 am. All are welcome to attend. Information: 508-693-1539.

Elise at the Duck Inn is preparing for her annual egg hunt. People can stop by this Saturday from 2 to 5 pm to help decorate eggs. The great egg hunt will be Easter Sunday starting at 1 pm at the Duck Inn.

At the library there will be a movie for grown-ups on Thursday, March 29, at 5 pm. There will be an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 7, at 10:30 am.

Happy Birthday to Jimmy Benoit: he celebrated his birthday last Sunday with his wife, Nancy and their daughter, Laina, at Sharky’s.

Everyone please send good thoughts Nancy Delaney’s way; she is undergoing treatment for a medical issue.

The next monthly blood pressure clinic in Aquinnah will be held April 12 from 2 to 3 pm in the town hall. Free and open to all. If you have questions, please call 781-534-2543.

And because it’s never too early to start thinking about summer, here is some information from Sassafras, Saskia Vanderhoop’s wonderful outdoor education program. Kids aged 6 to13 are accepted and there are discounts for siblings. Saskia is committing to getting the kids in the water at least once a week and exploring Island life.

Week 1: July 2- 6: Explore & Adventure

Week 2: July 9-13: Pond and Sea shores

Week 3: July 16-20: Nature, Music and Creativity

Week 4: July 23-27: Survival and Earth Based Skills, with optional sleepover from Thursday to Friday. For all the details please call Saskia at 508-645-2008 or go to

I must say I’m very happy that Mad Men is back on the air although I found the two-hour premiere this weekend a little dull. It will get better, right?