

I could not believe the Vineyard Haven Steamship lot when we drove off the boat after a day trip last Sunday. Where did all these people come from? It’s only March and it seemed like a holiday weekend-type crowd jockeying for ferry space. Also, both lifts were in use on the Island Home, and several of the later boats were booked solid. Are the tourists coming early like the crocuses this year, or what?

Jen and Tom O’Hanlon are back from a quick trip to Florida where they met up with Tom’s kids, Hilly and Katie. Hilly is a freshman at NYU, and Katie is a junior in high school in Arizona. All enjoyed a relaxing time off from their busy lives, lounging by the pool in the sunshine. Jen also ventured over to Sarasota to visit with her mother for a few days, getting a little R&R in before the real estate rental season has her running around like crazy.

Hadley Antik took a trip with sister, Kate, and mother, Nancy (who used to own Mariposa in Vineyard Haven), to Sisal, Yucatan, as well as to where Nancy lives in San Miguel Allende in Guanajuato. They spent their time taking in the sights of the Yucatan peninsula and kicking back on the beach. Sounds like Hadley had a lovely time, despite the sunburn she endured from a little too much time on the shore. Luckily this skilled paramedic knows a thing or two about first aid.

The Edgartown Library will present Season One of the wildly popular British television series, Downton Abbey, in its entirety on three successive Sunday afternoons, starting on April 15 at 1 pm. Stop in to enjoy the antics, miseries, and machinations of your favorite aristocrats and their servants on the library’s big screen and new sound system. Tea and light refreshments will be served. For more details, call us at 508-627-4221. Adults only, please.

The Harbor View Hotel will host another hilarious comedy night, Friday, March 30 at 9 pm (doors at 8:30). The night will feature three headliners from the New England Area: Joe Larson, Taylor Connelly, and Mike Whitman. For more info or advance tickets, call 508-627-7000.

Hey spring cleaners, mark your calendars for Electronics Disposal Day, Saturday, April 7, from 9 am to 2 pm at MV Community Services. Bring your personal or business’s old and tired air conditioners, cell phones, telephones, computers, copiers, dehumidifiers, fax machines, microwaves, monitors, notebooks, printers, ranges, refrigerators, scanners, stereo equipment, televisions, washers and dryers, etc., all to be disposed of off Island in an environmentally friendly way with proceeds benefitting Community Service. Win, win. No charge for computer mice and keyboards. For further info, call 508-693-7900, ext. 267.

Happy birthday to Jen Smyth, who celebrates March 31, to Julie Williamson, April 2, and to James Dropick, April 4. Ain’t no April fools in here.

A special birthday wish goes out to my column’s number one fan and critic, Mr. Michael Dolby, who celebrates his day March 31. May your feeders be forever filled with feathered friends, your shed with knuckleheads, and your fridge with the golden nectar of the Rockies. Love you, Dad!