When writing this on Monday morning, the day started out rather dark and gloomy but soon blossomed into the sunny weather we have been accustomed to. However, the forecast for the next week is absolutely a complete turnabout, with below freezing temperatures and high winds in our future. We hear warnings to “cover any new plants we might have set out and to watch gardens closely to avoid freezings and frostbite.” I really am not worried because, as per usual, I am at least a month behind in my garden care and plantings and my plants are safely in pots still in my warm house. Let’s just hope this predicted change doesn’t last more than a few days.
Reminder that Town Meeting for Oak Bluffs is on April 10. Come and make your voices heard where it counts. It doesn’t count if you do not vote and keep your opinions to yourselves rather than participating in your government.
The Methodist Churches of Martha’s Vineyard have a full schedule of services this Easter Season, as follows: Palm Sunday Worship, April 1 at 10 am at the Stone Church in Vineyard Haven; Maundy Thursday, April 5 at 7 pm at the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown; Good Friday, April 6, from 3 to 7:30 pm at Trinity Church in Oak Bluffs; Easter Sunrise Service, April 8 at 5:15 am at the Inkwell Beach in Oak Bluffs. The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on April 8 at 9:30 am at the Parish House and Tabernacle Grounds, Oak Bluffs. Easter Sunday Worship, April 8 at 10 am at Trinity Church in Oak Bluffs; Easter Sunday Contemporary Service 6:30 at Trinity Church in Oak Bluffs with the Covenant on the Rock Family Church, M.V. and Hyannis Jamaican congregations. Everyone is welcome at all the services and events.
The Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network announces a grant opportunity where one $2,500 will be awarded to a local small business person based on Martha’s Vineyard who plans to improve, grow, or start a business. The project or program should be consistent with MVWN’s mission to promote economic development on Martha’s Vineyard. All applications must be postmarked by April 6, 2012.
Simply Soaps, a Vineyard Bath Collection at 55 Circuit Avenue, will re-open on Friday, March 30, from 10 to 6 daily. There is an expanded space and lines of handmade bath and body products.
On Sunday, April 29, a memorial gathering for Amanda Hutchinson will be held at the Chilmark Community Center, starting at 1 pm. Pictures and stories will he shared, and refreshments will be served. On behalf of her family, all who wish to celebrate her life are welcome to join them in her honor.
Martha’s Vineyard Schools Spelling Bee took place at MVRHS. Eighth-grader Oliver Carson, represented the Oak Bluffs School. With fierce competition from six other students, Oliver made it to the final three, lasting seven rounds. He placed third over all Islandwide. Congratulations.
The Island School librarians, in cooperation with the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, are hosting a book fair to be held at the Bunch of Grapes from April 5 through April 15. There will be an Opening Party on Thursday, April 5, from 6 to 8 pm at the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore. All are invited. Sale proceeds from the children’s department throughout the fair will go toward customers’ school of choice. This is a great opportunity to support our school library and our local bookstore.
We send birthday smiles to Garrett Broadley on the 31st, Robin Meader, Betty Rose, Tyson Araujo, and Sandy Moreis on April 1, Richard D. Combra on April 2 and Heather Hall Holt will reach a major milestone on April 4.
Enjoy your week.