Everywhere I look there are daffodils in bloom. It’s nice to see a little color popping up here and there, particularly now that the temperature has been a bit more, let’s say, seasonal. Let’s hope Peter doesn’t freeze his little cottontail right off on his hop down the bunny trail this Sunday.
Last week, my niece and nephew, Addy and Andrew Smith, were visiting from the big city of NYC and we took in some nature at Felix Neck. They are such city kids that Addy was very concerned I would get us lost in the woods and was psyched every time she saw one of the colored posts that mark the trail — a landmark as well as a little reminder of civilization. Pint-sized visitors are always the best excuse to get out and enjoy an Island activity of which you’d rarely otherwise partake, and I have to say Felix Neck has been on my list of sites to revisit for quite some time.
Sunday was a perfect day for flying — remote controlled planes, that is. Dave and I were out on our weekly circuit around town, to see the beaches and, most important, remind ourselves of the awesome sights that surround us, when out on Atlantic Drive, we saw tiny plane flying over our Jeep. A bunch of guys were down on the outskirts of Katama Airfield showing off the aerial prowess of their grown-up toys. Very cool.
Charlie and Martha Smith just got back from a fun vacation in Key West. The two were joined on the trip by their Jack Russell terriers. Martha was telling me all about how dog-friendly it is down there — the dogs were able to go everywhere with them. Also among her pictures was a man on an aqua-propelled jetpack, hanging out just off shore. The picture looked straight out of NCIS, but nope, just some random guy enjoying a day on the water.
Congratulations to Michael Brown and Megan Shai on their engagement. If you have a chance to see that sparkler on her finger, which her father helped design, check it out. It is something to behold. Best wishes to the two of you for a happy future.
Max Sherman continues his crusade to get us all in shape with a nutrition seminar, together with registered dietician Mary Gross, in which they will refresh you on the basics as well as dispel any myths you’ve picked up along the way, to ensure that you have the resources with which to achieve the best you. The class will take place Thursday, April 5, at 6 pm at the regional high school. The class is free, though any donations will support Max in his Boston Marathon run, through which he is raising funds for America SCORES, an organization that inspires youth to lead healthy lifestyles, be engaged students, and become agents of change in their communities.
The FARM Institute announces the 2nd annual Sheepapalooza, Saturday, April 21 from 9 am to 3 pm. Start the day with morning chores at 9 am followed by a fun-packed day of all things sheep! Andy Rice will be shearing the sheep and doing sheep dog herding demos. Learn about how sheep wool becomes a sweater, and try your hand at a wide range of fiber arts including spinning, weaving, dyeing, and felting. Refreshments will include FARM Institute burgers and lamb sausage as well as greens from the greenhouses. Curious about TFI? Take a farm tour at 10 am, 12 noon, or 2 pm. Visit the website for a full schedule of events at www.farminstitute.org. What better way to celebrate Earth Day weekend?
Birthday wishes go out to Hadley Antik, who celebrates April 5. “Grammy Pammy” Cassidy sends a special birthday shout-out to Mabel DeRoche, who turns two on April 9. Fireworks for my cuz, Dylan Morgan, who celebrates April 7. And lastly, happy day to Nancy Morris and Amy Heil who celebrate on April 9.