A Mother’s Day message may win Mom a massage

The Times will publish a special page on May 10, in advance of Mother's Day on May 13, featuring messages to Moms, from kids of all ages.

Among the gifts Moms treasure most are personalized messages of love and appreciation from their children. The Times will publish a special page on May 10, in advance of Mother’s Day on May 13, featuring messages to Moms, from kids of all ages.

The cost for a message of 30 words or less is $20, or $30 with a picture. To submit one, call Danielle at 508-693-6100 or email her at Danielle@mvtimes.com by May 4.

As an added bonus, one lucky mom will be selected in a random drawing to win a free one-hour massage from licensed massage therapist Kim Hilliard at Therapeutic Massage.