Martha’s Vineyard’s Featherstone features new media exhibit

At Featherstone's reception for its iPhone photography exhibit this past Sunday, viewers looked at and discussed the work. — Photo by Danielle Zerbonne

Exhibitors and spectators alike flocked to last weekend’s opening of The Art of iPhone Photography at Featherstone Center for the Arts. Participants numbered 27. They included first-timers such as Holly Alaimo and Anthony Holand, as well as professionals, including Kathy Rose and Louise Clough.

“Their work is tremendous,” said Featherstone Director Ann Smith. Ranging from photos of dogs to landscapes, the exhibit will remain up until June 27.

The call for submissions to Featherstone’s iPhone photography show generated considerable response from the community, according to Featherstone director Ann Smith. Inspiration for the show came from several sources. Board member Denys Wortman and teacher Kathy Rose both proposed the project, and Ms. Smith saw iPhone photos on display at the Alison Shaw Gallery.