

Were you surprised by the new stop sign on Main Street? There is a new stop at Woodlawn, where Main Street changes from one-way to two-way traffic.

Next we could use a stop sign on Franklin at the next block, where speeding drivers totally ignore the pedestrian crossing. This can be a dangerous place for children to walk across in the summer.

Before you know it, the law against cyclists riding the wrong way down Main Street will be enforced. Well, I guess that is asking a bit too much.

Congratulations to the winners of the Fishing Derby. Even the losers had some pretty big fish to take home. You know that the fisherman in the Derby supply free fresh fish to many of our older citizens. The fish are cleaned and distributed by the senior centers. This is a very welcome treat.

Now that the brilliant colors are appearing on the Bradford pear trees, we can rest assured that autumn has in fact arrived. Yes, I know, the chilly mornings and some brightly colored bushes may have already given you that thought, but these pretty leaves let us enjoy the real thing.

Fall cleaning? Make room in the closet for warmer clothes. You do know that if you have clean warm clothing to donate, Islanders will appreciate you if you drop them off at Clothes To Go. That’s on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 at the Stone Church.

Penny Wong from the Grace Preschool invites all children to the Fall Frolick & Junk Jamboree on Saturday from 9 to noon at Grace Church. She promises pony rides, face painting, and pumpkin painting, as well as a bake sale and many used treasures for sale.

This is the weather to curl up with a good book. Get your reading materials at the monthly Mini Book Sale at the Vineyard Haven Library. Proceeds benefit the children’s programs. That’s Saturday from 1 to 3 pm.

Only a couple more weeks to Election Day. I am already very tired of political speeches and rhetoric. Perhaps we should have the chance to vote against the worst political ads. I guess that is what we do in effect. Sometimes although I may like a candidate, though I really detest the ads for that person. I would like a chance to let the powers that be in on that fact. They don’t know that their ads often make me change the channel.

Little children will enjoy a special Musical Storytime with Jeremy Berlin this Tuesday morning at our library.

With the Red Sox out of the running, I was rooting for Baltimore. And, as you will be horrified to hear, then I was rooting for Derek Jeter and the Yankees. I hate what happened to Jeter. I like to watch him play. [Note the word ‘play.’] He is the only player on the field who always has a smile on his face, even when his team is losing. He seems to put it all in perspective. Many of you will be shocked to hear me say that it is only a game, after all.

Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out to Jeff Serusa on Saturday. Wish the best on Sunday to Dylan Jacobs.

Heard on Main Street: Duct tape is like ‘The Force,’ It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together. Good thing, too.