Come on down to Edgartown to shop


To the Editor:

It was a wonderful surprise to open up The Times last week and read an article about the businesses in Edgartown that are open during the off-season. The Boneyard was one of the shops highlighted in the article, so I feel I need to respond to some inaccuracies which may have been incorrectly communicated to you or simply lost in translation.

The Boneyard is, in fact, open year-round. Last winter, we were open the entire stretch from January to March, from Thursday through Monday, and this year we have decided to stay open daily, from 12 to 5 during the height of the winter. We will not “leave our phone number on the door,” unless sickness or weather causes us to do so. So please let your readers know we are open for our great customers and business all winter long.

Lastly, as the article addresses, it is very difficult to make a go of it here in Edgartown during the slack months. Most stores shut after Columbus Day weekend and then more after Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Year are truly the last hurrahs for most of the stores. Last year The Boneyard moved to the old Edgartown Hardware site, which is positioned exactly in the middle of our Main Street in Edgartown. Knowing how important it is for our town and customers, we made a conscious decision this year to hire more employees and be a participant in our town by keeping the lights on and people working. Ours are not the only lights shining on our block in Edgartown as Claudia’s and Sundog are historically open daily throughout the winter, as are many other businesses and restaurants sprinkled throughout town.

There’s no traffic, plenty of parking, and friendly sales help in Edgartown, so come take the drive or walk and come down to see us.

Tuna Kiersted

Trish Lyman

The Boneyard