Season’s Greetings, from RISE
The students of RISE Vineyard Performing Arts present their third annual holiday show, Season’s Greetings III, twice this Sunday, Dec. 16, at 2 and 6 pm at the Oak Bluffs School.
The dancers, ages 3 to 16, will perform songs that range from holiday classics to modern renditions of traditional favorites.
Tickets are $15; $10 for children ages 10 and under. For more information, call 508-693-2262 or visit risevpa.com.
Healthy competition
Waterside Market has begun its annual Gingerbread House Contest, which runs through December 23. Entry is free, and is open to both children and adults, whose edifices are judged separately.
Drop off your creation between 8 am and 4 pm daily at Waterside, on Main Street in Vineyard Haven. The adult winner will receive a $200 gift card to the cafe, and the child will win $100 to The Toy Box. Winners are determined by popular vote. For more information, email watersidemarket@gmail.com.
Breakfast in Bethlehem
The Vineyard Assembly of God is hosting two family pancake breakfasts and Christmas Nativity performances this Saturday, Dec. 15. The two seatings are at 9 and 11 am, and are $3 per person, children 3 and under are free. For more information, call 508-696-7576.