June 21, 2013
Emily A. Wells, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/5/95, shoplifting by concealing merchandise, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
June 24, 2013
Zachary W. Jonsson, Westport; DOB 4/30/84, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.
June 27, 2013
Christopher J. Andriotis, West Tisbury; DOB 10/13/56, assault with a dangerous weapon: continued to pretrial conference.
Michael J. Arruda, Oak Bluffs; DOB 1/7/74, assault with a dangerous weapon: continued to pretrial conference.
Gregory E. Fitzgerald, White Plains, NY; DOB 6/6/74, OUI-drugs, negligent operation of motor vehicle, failure to stop/yield, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
July 1, 2013
Arthur B. Asdikian, Edgartown; DOB 2/28/77, OUI-liquor or .08%: continued without finding for one year, the Defendant is to attend the driver alcohol education program and must pay a state fee of $250, loss of license for 45 days, must pay $50 OUI, $50 VW and $65 PSF; failure to signal: not responsible.
Jefferson M. Bolin, Edgartown; DOB 9/28/77, OUI-liquor , or .08%: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; negligent operation of motor vehicle: guilty, one year probation, must pay $250 HIF, $50 VW, $50 PSF and complete 24 hours of community service; failure to wear seat belt: responsible, must pay $25 fine.
July 5, 2013
Sonja D. Allen, Aquinnah; DOB 7/31/68, attempt to commit a crime, malicious destruction of property over $250: continued to pretrial conference.
William D. Bassett, Edgartown; DOB 12/21/46, negligent operation of motor vehicle, OUI-liquor or .08%, 2nd offense: continued to pretrial conference.
Tyler M. Pelietier, Edgartown; DOB 8/22/91, possession to distribute class C drug (lorazapam), possession to distribute class D drug (marijuana), possession of distribute class E drug (perphenazine): continued to pretrial conference.
Christopher A. Lizotte, Sturbridge; DOB 2/9/90, attempt to commit a crime, malicious destruction of property over $250: continued to pretrial conference.
Gustavo B. Souza, Vineyard Haven; DOB 6/29/95, conspiracy to violate drug law: continued to pretrial conference.
Jonathan K. Smith, E. Wareham; DOB 9/5/86, breaking and entering a building during nighttime to commit a felony, malicious destruction of property over $250: continued to pretrial conference.
Nicholas S. Wallen, Chilmark; DOB 5/24/87, no inspection sticker, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
David Carlos Hollis, Quincy; DOB 2/1/79, disorderly conduct: to be dismissed upon payment of $150 court cost.
July 8, 2013
Christopher J. Haley, Oak Bluffs; DOB 10/3/85, assault and battery: continued without finding for one year, must pay $491.56 restitution, $50 VW and $65 PSF; a second charge of assault and battery: same terms as count 1; malicious destruction of property over $250: continued without finding for one year.
Christopher J. Haley, Oak Bluffs; DOB 10/3/85, violating abuse prevention order: continued without finding for one year with the same terms as in the previous charge.
Christopher J. Haley, Oak Bluffs; DOB 10/3/85, violating abuse prevention order: continued without finding for one year with the same terms as in the previous charge except the VW is waived.
Alyson E. Woollacott, Chilmark; DOB 8/12/78, uninsured motor vehicle: guilty, six months probation, must pay $50 VW concurrent with another charge; operating motor vehicle with a suspended registration: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; no inspection sticker: not responsible.
Elisha A. Boyd, West Tisbury; DOB 2/22/87, assault and battery, a second charge of assault and battery, resisting arrest: continued to pretrial conference.
Donald Brooks, Boston; DOB 5/26/74, open and gross lewdness: six months pretrial probation and must complete 18 hours of community service.
Derek Kevin Dennison, Holliston; DOB 1/25/86, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.
Carmel M. Gilbert, Oak Bluffs; DOB 1/17/59, OUI-liquor or .08%, 2nd offense: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; negligent operation of motor vehicle: guilty, one year probation, must pay $250 HIF, $50 VW and complete 32 hours of community service; marked lanes violation: not responsible.
Alice G. Seaton, Vineyard Haven; DOB 8/3/47, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
July 11, 2013
Jaconias G. Costa, Oak Bluffs; DOB 4/18/54, OUI-liquor or .08%, 2nd offense: guilty – 90 days in the house of correction suspended, to attend the 14 day inpatient program, placed on probation for two years, must pay $50 VW, $50 OUI and $65 PSF; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; failure to stop/yield: not responsible; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
David A. Ferrell, Swathmore, PA; DOB 3/18/87, trespassing: continued to pretrial conference.
Jairo D. Freitas, Vineyard Haven; DOB 10/12/88, no inspection sticker: responsible, must pay $50 court cost; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service.
Timothy J. Luce, Edgartown; DOB 11/12/86, marked lanes violation, negligent operation of motor vehicle, OUI-liquor or .08%, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.
Italo K. Mamedes, Oak Bluffs; DOB 2/18/92, OUI-liquor or .08%: guilty, must pay $500 fine; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; marked lanes violation: not responsible; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Angelo Portugal, Oak Bluffs; DOB 1/3/73, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service.
Luiz C. Santos-Oliveira, West Tisbury; DOB 1/4/65, operating motor vehicle with a suspended license: to be dismissed upon the completion of 20 hours of community service.
Adam Vincent Tucker, Vineyard Haven; DOB 5/16/88, larceny by check under $250: continued to pretrial conference.
July 12, 2013
Nicolas A. Barbera, Edgartown; DOB 1/5/86, OUI-liquor or .08%, OUI-drugs (drug not specifically identified), negligent operation of motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation, marked lanes violation, possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Nicolas A. Barbera, Edgartown; DOB 1/5/86, marked lanes violation, leaving the scene of property damage, negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Marcelo Ferreira Barbosa, Edgartown; DOB 8/28/86, assault and battery: six months pretrial probation.
Michael D. Chandley, Jr., Franklin; DOB 5/2/89, disorderly conduct: to be dismissed upon the payment of $300 court cost.
July 15, 2013
Shaun Sicsico, West Tisbury; DOB 2/8/94, operation motor vehicle with suspended license: continued without finding for four months, must pay $50 VW concurrent with another charge; marked lanes violation: responsible, must pay $35 fine; unregistered motor vehicle: not responsible.
Lisa Vunk, Edgartown; DOB 8/11/66, trespassing: guilty, one year probation, must pay $50 VW; disorderly conduct: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; resisting arrest: guilty, one year probation; vandalizing property: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.