Two women holding anti-Obama posters stood at Five Corner Friday afternoon to protest possible military action against Syria. The off-Island pair handed out pamphlets, collected signatures on a petition and spoke to passerby. One poster depicted Mr. Obama in a Hitler mustache.
“The main thing we’re out here to do is get support, and for people to stop driving and impeach Obama,” Rachel Brown of Quincy told The Times. “And people are glad to find out that there’s a movement that’s doing something, and actually has a policy to organize around.”
Asked to comment on the reaction the posters and their presence on the Vineyard have generated, the women referred to a press office for LaRouche political action committee.
“Impeach Obama!” one man yelled out as he drove through the intersection and turned on to Lagoon Pond Road.
Edgartown summer residents Beverly Stotz and her son Max Levy were on a bike ride though Vineyard Haven when they saw the impeach Obama signs and decided to stop.
“Politics are kind of split in our family,” Ms. Stotz said. “But I think the global situation is terrible. Regardless if you’re a republican or a democrat, the world isn’t in great shape and it’s not so great at the moment. It’s kind of scary.”
The reported recent use of chemical weapons in Syria that left over 1,400 dead has led the Obama administration to consider a military strike against the Assad regime. The Obama administration has not determined an exact course of action, however administration officials announced Thursday that Mr. Obama is prepared to move ahead with a limited military strike on Syria.
The LaRouche pamphlets warn against the potential for a U.S. attack to “trigger a larger war” and say “The threatened consequences of a Syria strike add to the fact there is no basis in international law or U.S. Constitutional law for President Obama to launch strikes against Syria.”
The protest comes less than two weeks after the president’s Martha’s Vineyard visit.
Founded as a political and cultural network by Lyndon LaRouche in the 1960’s, the LaRouche movement as it’s come to be known, advocates the development of major economic infrastructure projects around the world as well as calls for a reform of the world financial system.