

It is almost worth getting older to have a birthday weekend with two lovely granddaughters trying to outdo each other to help me celebrate. Their cake decorations were crazy, their hand drawn cards were spectacular, their eagerness to celebrate was indefatigable — and I am exhausted but very happy now.

Next Monday you can begin a 3-credit college course on Ethics through Fitchburg State University. It runs from 6 to 8:45 pm at the high school with ACE MV. Students will apply ethics to the real world, looking at today’s moral issues related to poverty, our treatment of the elderly and disabled, and our duties to our parents and to the environment. That sounds like one I would love to sit in on. Next Monday, from 4:30 to 6 pm, is the time to register in person for spring ACE classes  Or register online at www.acemv.org for all spring classes. For more, call 774-310-1131.

Spring is coming. Next Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day. Pancake Supper begins at 6 pm in the First Baptist Church parish house on William Street. Join in with fellowship, crafts, and games followed by a brief closing service to start the Lenten observance. Call to reserve and for more at 508-693-1539.

Who needed that annoying finale with the American hockey teams so near and yet so far. I thought the women were the better players by far, but they seemed to stop playing before the end of the game. Were they overconfident or just worn out? You can see why I am not a sports announcer. I enjoyed the Olympics but used to enjoy them more when I did not have to go online or try to figure out which station what programs would be broadcast from. And preferably not in the middle of the night. And don’t get me started on Sochi.

Next week is March. That means the Black Dog Warehouse Sale is on the first and second.

Hey, wait. Where did February go?

Every Saturday morning in March from 10 to noon the Vineyard Haven Library staff offer help with library eBooks and downloadable audiobooks. Or you can get an informal demonstration of the library’s Overdrive service and even try out the library’s various eReader devices. Call 508-696-4210 for an appointment.

Mark your calendar and think of warm winds following. A week from Sunday, on March 9 at 2 pm, you can sail the Mediterranean without leaving Martha’s Vineyard. Talented photographer Joe Doebler will share his recent photos from a week-long sailing trip in the Mediterranean Sea aboard the square-rigger Sea Cloud. The talk is free, the pictures are spectacular, and refreshments will be served.

This event is presented by the Friends of the Library as part of their monthly winter program series. The Friends are volunteers who encourage public understanding of the Library’s vital role in the community. For more information about the Friends, stop by library or seewww.vhlibrary.org.

Also on the 9th, you are invited to express yourself and share your thoughts with the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council from 9 am to 12 noon at the Howes House in West Tisbury. Ask questions and have a snack. Free and open to the public. Breakfast treats served.

Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out tomorrow to Susan Goldstein. Happy birthday to Katie Kennedy who parties on Sunday. Tuesday belongs to Polly McDowell.

Heard on Main Street: If all is not lost, where is it?