Island astrologer Arlan Wise shares her astrological forecasts with us each week on Mondays. This column is like a cosmic weather report. It is written for everyone based on the sign the moon is in that day and what the planets are doing. Don’t be confused by the signs. This is not like the usual Sun sign astrology columns you see. Go to and click onHow To Read this Column for a full explanation. To arrange a personal reading, phone her at 1-(508)-645-9292.
Mercury is in retrograde motion for most of June – he begins moving backwards on June 7 and stays that way until July 1. This gives you one week to get ready and do all the things best done when Mercury is direct – shop for expensive items, fix what should be repaired so it doesn’t break at an inopportune time, put in orders, start new projects, take a new job or hire a new employee. He will travel from 3 degrees of Cancer back to 24 degrees of Gemini. Where those degrees fall in your chart is the area of life that need revising and review.
Summer Solstice is on June 21. The fact that the season starts with Mercury retrograde adds twists and turns to your expectations for this summer. You need to stay flexible and jump at any opportunities that present themselves. Both Neptune and Chiron turn retrograde during June and set a theme for the summer that requires you to depend on you right brain for answers and directions.
Monday, June 2 – Moon in Leo. June begins with an optimistic outlook. You have to do the important work for the month during three days of this week while Mercury is still in direct motion and the moon is active. Put in your orders, start your projects, and sign legal documents. Resist the urge to play and party, there’s plenty of time for that later on. Don’t waste any time today.
Tuesday, June 3 – Moon in Leo, VC 10:42 am. Get up early to use the good morning hours. Set things up so you can just follow through during the rest of the day. Stay out of the garden except to mow or weed. Meet with friends to share meals and play games. Take the kids outside and enjoy the long evening light.
Wednesday, June 4 – Moon VC Leo, enters Virgo 10:20 am. Start moving once the moon changes sign and keep working for the next two days since they are the only ones that are good for business. Make lists and stay on task. Order the things you need and go shopping for the big-ticket items. Get the car and computer serviced. Buy new phones, iPads, and printers.
Thursday, June 5 – Moon in Virgo. Today is the last good day you get to work with a direct, although slow moving, Mercury. Call to schedule the appointments you need to make. Create a plan you can follow for the month. Organize your office and home. Get the important things done today. Work late into the night and do tomorrow’s work.
Friday, June 6 – Moon VC Virgo. Finish up what you started this week. Let the day flow on as you clean up and recycle old papers and bottles. The Sun and Uranus giggle at your efforts and tempt you to do something outside your comfort zone. Let their spontaneity take over at least a part of the day. Eat a healthy dinner tonight and make a plan to improve your diet.
Saturday, June 7 – Moon in Libra. Mercury turns retrograde at 7:57 am. Everything will seem different, as if you’re looking from the other side of the mirror. Welcome this new perspective. It’s a good day to plant flowers and flowering bushes. Pay back your social obligations with an impromptu dinner party. Catch up on your friend’s news and other gossip. This can be a lovely relaxing day if you let things be.
Sunday, June 8 – Moon in Libra, VC 3:47 pm. Plant more flowers and then go back to an art gallery and buy that picture that’s hanging around in your mind, the one you liked and almost bought. The Sun challenges Chiron and they help you to give another look at what you do to keep yourself healthy and realize what is working for you and what isn’t. The energy is hot for a passionate sensuous evening.