Scallop fisherman safe after boat swamps on New Year’s Day in Lagoon Pond

Alison Shaw

A scallop boat operated by Andrew Wheeler swamped and sank in Lagoon Pond on New Year’s Day, Tisbury harbormaster Jay Wilbur told The Times.

Mr. Wilbur said shellfish warden Danielle Ewart called him about 2 pm to report Mr. Wheeler was in the frigid water. As Mr. Wilbur responded in his boat to the emergency, he received a second call from Ms. Ewart to say another scalloper, Will Diamond, had pulled Mr. Wheeler aboard his own boat, and was headed for shore.

“At least the person was OK, but that left the boat swamped in the pond,” Mr. Wilbur said. Using the town’s patrol boat, Mr. Wilbur was able to tow the swamped vessel back to the landing. He said there were was no fuel spill or other pollution.

“I’m happy that everyone was safe and everything went smooth,” Ms. Ewart told The Times.