SSA will discuss usefulness of Tisbury terminal relocation study

This map prepared 24 years ago labeled "Design Concept for Vineyard Haven Port Redevelopment and Transportation Hub" shows a new terminal on Beach Road and a town park and marina where the present terminal is located.

More than 40 years ago, Tisbury selectman John Schilling, working with Martha’s Vineyard Commission planners, proposed to move the Tisbury Steamship Authority terminal down Beach Road past R.M. Packer’s marine facility. In an October 2013 essay, “Move the Steamship auto and truck traffic,” former SSA member J.B. Riggs Parker of Chilmark argued it was time to take another look at Mr. Schilling’s plan.

Last month, Tisbury selectmen asked the SSA to undertake a study to investigate the potential of relocating all or a portion of the SSA’s Vineyard Haven terminal “outside of downtown Vineyard Haven to improve operations and mitigate operational impacts,” according to a boatline management report.

At the Authority’s monthly meeting Tuesday in Woods Hole, SSA members authorized General Manager Wayne Lamson to meet with Tisbury officials to review previous studies and “discuss whether it would be useful to study any potential alternative sites that the town may want the SSA to consider.”