Travel along the Island roads has been somewhat slower this past week, as the street sweepers have been out cleaning the roads in preparation for the state workers to repaint the white lines on the roads, keeping us safer. Unfortunately, this usually results in long lines of cars behind the machines, frustrated in their attempts to find a safe place to pass. The line painting should be completed shortly, so patience, everyone.
Have you driven by the site of the construction of the new Oak Bluffs Fire Department Station at the corner of Wing and County roads lately? If not, you will be surprised at how far along it is. The workers worked hard, even throughout this past winter’s terrible weather, to keep right on schedule. When complete, there will be a station that the town can be very proud of. Other changes in that department are some promotions in Engine 2 company. New officers include Captain Kyle Gatchell, First Lieutenant Chris Wiggin, and Second Lieutenant Matt Gongola. Congratulations on your new appointments.
The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard is sponsoring the forum “Pricing Carbon Climate Change: Legislation that Works.” The forum will be held on Saturday, June 6, at 10:30 am at the West Tisbury Library Community Room. Recent polls show that Massachusetts voters believe it is time to do something about climate change. A bill currently pending before the state legislature, “An Act Combating Climate Change,” proposes to reduce greenhouse gases by putting a price on carbon. Discussion will include subjects such as, How would the bill work? Will it actually reduce carbon pollution? And how will it affect us as consumers? The League of Women Voters has gathered a panel of experts to begin to answer these questions.
Once more, the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs will hold a book drive for the Oak Bluffs Public Library. They will be accepting donations of books in good to excellent condition on Saturday, May 23, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm. They are accepting books for adults, teens, and children, including hardback, paperback, and softcovers. You also may donate DVDs, audiobooks, and CDS. They do not want Bibles, Reader’s Digest books or video tapes. Any reference material should have been published in the past three years. The sale will be for the benefit of the Oak Bluffs Public Library.
In addition to their Sunday service, held at 10:30 am, the Federated Church Meeting House in Edgartown will be open daily, free to the public, from 11 am to 1 pm from May 25 to Oct. 12. Built in 1828, this was the fifth meetinghouse of the First Congregational Church of Martha’s Vineyard.
Learn how to protect yourself from fraud and identity theft on Saturday, May 30, at 1:30 pm. This program at the Oak Bluffs library will feature the Better Business Bureau presenting helpful information.
We send birthday smiles to Doreen Anderson on May 22, Kaye Manning on the 24th, Jack Garrett on May 25, James Trip and Connie DeFelice on the 26th, and Cheryl King on May 28.
Enjoy your week. Peace.