The board of directors of the Yard announced this week that Alison Manning has been promoted to the position of executive director of the Yard.
According to a press release, under the new organizational structure, Ms. Manning will assume responsibility for the management of the Yard’s operations. Ms. Manning has worked for the Yard since 2008, rising steadily in responsibilities and abilities. As in the past, she continues as a co-producer, along with Jesse Keller, the Yard’s director of Island programs and education.
David R. White, who held the position of executive and artistic director since 2011, remains artistic director of the Yard, with the added title of producer, responsible for the overall artistic and strategic direction of the Yard. He and Ms. Manning will be jointly responsible for fundraising, public relations, and community relations.
“This is a model I’ve seen used quite frequently and effectively in the art world,” says Deborah Sale, president of the Yard’s board. “One member of the duo manages most administrative and executive functions of the organization, thereby freeing the other to focus on the organization’s vision, art, and future.” Said Mr. White: “This is a much-deserved elevation of Alison, who continues to be a great partner and team builder in the increasingly complex ‘Yardwork’ of artistic support and community service, now a deep year-round obligation.”