Hey kids: You only have two more days of school, and one of them is Field Day and the other one doesn’t really count! Two more snow days, and the kids really would have been in school in July. Finally it’s time to hop off the yellow bus and onto a beach towel. Enjoy it.
Congratulations to the Edgartown School on their recent special citation from the Massachusetts Treasurer and Receiver General for exemplifying the goals set for achieving economic literacy. The school has had a banking program for the past 20 years, began by Patti Leighton of the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank. The award was presented at a special banking awards ceremony on Tuesday, June 16.
Sandy Stone is so excited to present her tiny dancers from Spindrift Studios in their first recital. Check out “A Night of Wonder,” an evening celebrating the music of Stevie Wonder, Wednesday, July 1, at 7:30 pm. Musical accompaniment will be provided by the Mike Benjamin Band, with special guests Joanne Cassidy and Gordon Healy, and Spindrift students will be joined by professional guests from the Yard and former members of Kelly Peter’s crew. Check out spindriftmv.com for more info.
Kicking up our heels seems to be a theme this week, as we have all just survived yet another Taste of the Vineyard weekend. This year, I was lucky to attend both nights of the annual benefit for the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust, the steward to so many of our cherished local landmarks. The raucous Thursday-night Stroll is always a fun time to catch up with folks I haven’t seen in a while, as we all shake off the cobwebs and celebrate summer. The Saturday night event is a bit more civilized, with a sit-down dinner and live and silent auction. This year, people are getting pretty excited about the Carnegie building — the current public library, that will soon be vacated as the stacks settle into their new digs. The old red brick building where so many of us got our first library cards will become a welcome center and maritime museum, and it will be quite a gem. For more info on the preservation properties, visit mvpreservation.org.
The Harbor View Hotel will host a Car-B-Q Classic, Saturday, June 27. A Power Cruise Parade will kick off at 10 am with a procession of classic cars and ride down from Bend in the Road Beach through Edgartown. From 11 am to 2 pm, the Harbor View will host a Classic Car Show on its lawn, a photo exhibit of antique Vineyard autos by Martha’s Vineyard Museum, and a BBQ with favorites cooked to order. Classic cars can be entered for just $25 to win trophies ranging from Best of Show and first/second/third place. The BBQ and a professional snapshot of the car are free with entry fee, benefiting the Tisbury Firefighters Association Car Show.
The Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard will hold its 7th annual Garden Party Monday, June 29, from 5 to 8 pm at a private home in Edgartown overlooking Eel Pond. Offerings will include food and beverages, live music, and live and silent auctions. Among the auction items will be a very special package to attend the 140th annual Westminster Dog Show, a private cruise on the catamaran Dream Catcher, a three-goat package from Scapegoat Goatscaping, and much more. All proceeds will benefit the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard. For more information, contact Lisa Hayes at the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard at 508-627-8662.
Belated birthday wishes go out from Don and El to Jimmy Luce, who celebrated his day June 15. Also, Madeline Fisher celebrated June 14. Sorry for the late notice, guys. Hope you had a good one!
This week’s birthday wishes go out to Ruby Antik, who celebrates June 27; and to Diane Smadbeck, June 28.