I served my penance for any weekend transgressions this Monday morning as I hit the trifecta of post office, Stop and Shop, and gas station all in one go — in a car, no less. I felt like a fish swimming upstream the entire time. We did have a few good laughs in the post office line though, as witnesses of the queue offered to go buy us coffee and breakfast sandwiches, and various other business plans were born.
I completely forgot to mention the recent visit of Graham “Soapy” McCamley and Jean Le Blond, who hopped the pond from Scotland to hang out with Jamie and Nicole Le Blond. Soapy, a retired international rugby player, added a new sport to his résumé as he was introduced to beach cornhole — if you’re not familiar, it is a beanbag-tossing game, and it is impossible to drive the length of Norton Point these days without witnessing at least 10 games in progress. He took to the new game with aplomb, much to the competition’s chagrin. There you go, Soapy. You made the local paper. Show that to your mates back home.
Marilyn Adams hopes you will all attend the third annual Blueberry Festival Saturday, July 18, from 12 to 4 pm at the First Congregational Church of West Tisbury, next to Alley’s. This year, in addition to the delicious blueberry goodies you have come to expect and love, the event will include kids’ activities, flower sales, a selection of costume jewelry, and a performance by the Martha’s Vineyard Ukulele Group.
Friends of the Edgartown Free Public Library and the Martha’s Vineyard Museum invite you to see a pop-up exhibit of photographs and artifacts that trace the library’s evolution from a room full of books over a Main Street store to the vibrant community center it is today. The event will take place Friday, August 7, from 5 to 7 pm, so mark your calendars.
On Thursday, July 16, 2015, the Chappaquiddick Wampanoag Tribe will hold its annual Gathering Ceremony at the Chappaquiddick Indian Burial Ground. The ceremony will begin at 10:30 am. The cemetery is located on Jeffers Lane on Chappaquiddick. The gathering will include the dedication of a new plaque in honor of the tribal heritage of the graveyard, a celebration of the restoration of the Martin family gravestone, and the yearly Sacred and Naming Ceremonies. The plaque is being erected by the Edgartown Cemetery Commission. The public is invited to join.
The Edgartown School eighth grade’s annual Garden Tour will take place on Wednesday, July 22, from 1 to 4 pm, with a raindate of July 23. Stroll past rose-covered white picket fences as you enjoy beautiful private gardens in downtown Edgartown. All gardens are within easy walking distance of each other. Tour starts at the Edgartown Public Library. Tickets are available from any Edgartown eighth grader, or at Edgartown Books, Donaroma’s, the Edgartown School, the Edgartown Public Library, or ticketsmv.com. For more details, email Gail Gardner or Darren Belisle at edgartown2016@gmail.com or call the school at 508-627-3316. This fundraiser supports the Edgartown School eighth grade’s trip to Washington, D.C.
Did you know Chappy has its own farmers’ market? Yup, the Chappy Farmers’ Market takes place Wednesdays, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm, on the Community Center porch. So get your fresh veggies on the way home from East Beach, or for you Chappy folk, no need to brave the ferry line for your greens.
Attention MVRHS Minnesingers, past and present: The parent group of the MVRHS Minnesingers is looking for contact information for ANY AND ALL Minnesinger alumni so they may participate in a Fall Extravaganza, as well as other fun events. Please email Debra Grant at dgrant32b@aol.com with your name, the year you graduated, and the best way to reach you.
Birthday wishes go out this week to Joanne Cassidy, Shane McGovern, and Sandy Stone, who celebrate July 16; to Hannah Guerin and Tanya Chipperfield, July 17; to Jade Bennett, July 18; to Caitlin Rosbeck and Angela Welch, July 19; to Susan Shea and Karen Hiemer, July 20; to Natasha Snowden, July 21; and to Kate Lien, July 22.