Edgartown: Pilates Class


I’m finally starting to regret not planting a veggie garden this year, as all around me are beginning to quite literally reap what they have sown. Cherry tomatoes, fresh greens, beans, and peas are all coming ripe for the picking, and all I have to show are a couple of sad, inedible geraniums. (If geraniums are, in fact, edible, I assure you that mine are most definitely not. As I said, they are quite sad.) Anyway, if anyone ends up with a tomato surplus and the rabbits are willing to share, I would happily take them off your hands.

We had a visit this weekend from my brother and sister-in-law, Drew and Katie Weagle, and I threw on my tour guide hat to show them some of the new haunts that have popped up since their last visit years ago. A highlight was a trip to Bad Martha, which has become a favorite spot of mine this summer. Sitting beneath the hanging plants listening to live music and sipping a local brew, just far enough away from downtown to avoid the traffic, is just my style. This particular visit, we finally merged groups with a bunch of other Friday-evening regulars: the farmers and managers from Morning Glory and the FARM Institute, as well as one very handsome K9 named Fish. The more the merrier, always.

I ran into an old friend on the beach this past Sunday: Miss Emma Searle. I could not believe that this lovely lady, whose acquaintance I had first made on the same beach 10 years ago, back when she was 3 and I was helping her spell her name in shells, is now off to high school! My, how time flies. Emma has kept busy this summer dancing with Rise, a passion and talent that continues to flourish. Best of luck with all your adventures, Emma.

One of the benefits of writing this column of which I have rarely — if ever — taken advantage is the avenue for self-promotion. Well, I’m going to share my exciting news, and should it ignite any interest in you, readers, please come join me at Evolve Pilates on Wednesday mornings at 9 am, for beginner mat class. I have been working hard toward this goal of becoming a Pilates instructor, and I welcome you to come see for yourself why I love it so much. The class is a strictly introductory beginner class, so it is a great opportunity to try something new. Call 508-627-6060 to sign up, as signup is required.

The 37th annual Martha’s Vineyard Community Services Art Buchwald Possible Dreams Auction will take place Sunday, July 26th, at 3:30 pm at the Winnetu Oceanside Resort. This year’s auction will be dedicated to the late Norman Bridwell, beloved author and longtime supporter of the Possible Dreams Auction and MVCS. Jimmy Tingle will return, and is ready to sell some amazing dreams, including a week for eight at a private home in Ireland, an evening at Hart Haven with music by Livingston Taylor, a trip to Nantucket on the DiDay with authors Geraldine Brooks and Tony Horwitz, an art-workshop experience with Consenses founder Sally Taylor, and sculptor for a day with Tony Holand, to name a few. For more info or to purchase tickets, visit mvcommunityservices.com/possibledreams.

The Martha’s Vineyard Book Festival will take place Friday, July 31, to Sunday, August 2, with events spread from Edgartown to Chilmark. Panel discussions, author talks, and signings will be among the offerings, and participants will run the gamut from high-profile journalists to sports writers to novelists. Tickets for the event, which is sponsored by the Vineyard Gazette, are quickly selling out, and can be purchased at bookfest.bpt.me.

Does lightning strike twice in the same place? Where is the best place to find shelter during a storm? Explore these questions and more at Felix Neck Monday, July 27, at 7 pm with resident weather man John Pearson, and experience electrostatic energy with a Van de Graaff generator. “When Lightning Roars, Go Indoors” promises to be both fascinating and educational. For more info, call 508-627-4850.

Donald and Eleanor Luce wish a happy birthday to Agnes Luce, who turned 92 on July 19.

Birthday wishes go out this week to Nick Prescott and Sara Fall, who celebrate July 24; to Ryan Murtha, Ben Brisson, Hana Moriarty, and Ken Magnuson, July 25; to Jamie Ann Greene, July 26; to Steve Aben and Alex and Adam Elias, July 27; to Vera Dello Russo and Andy Smith, July 28; and to Lauren Averill, July 29.